<br />1111111 1111�!! 11111!1 111
<br />11. Existing Stormwater Drainage System Value & SDC -Eligible Costs
<br />(Reimbursement Fee)
<br />Total Replacement Cost - Existing Pipe System
<br />$345,704,684
<br />Total Replacement Cost - Existing Open Channel Systems
<br />$98,817,731
<br />Total Replacement Cost, Existing (Replacement Cost New)
<br />$444,522,415
<br />Percent of Existing Pipe System to be Used by New Development
<br />4.27%
<br />Percent of Existing Open Channel system to Used by New Development
<br />2.34%
<br />Total SDC -Eligible Cost - Existing Pipe*
<br />$14,761,591
<br />Total SIDC-Eligible Cost - Existing Open Channel Systems*
<br />$2,312,336
<br />Total SDC -Eligible Cost, Existing System
<br />* Based on percent available capacity per hydraulic model
<br />$17,073,927
<br />12. Future Stormwater System SDC -Eligible Project Costs
<br />(improvement Fee)
<br />Total Est. Cost, Future System (SDC -Eligible Projects)
<br />(From Table 9) $42,149,922
<br />Portion of Project Cost, Future System (excluding LID S2pacity)_
<br />(From Table 9) $18,800,662
<br />E—i Portion of Project Cost for Future System LID Capacity
<br />(From Table 9) $8,513,629
<br />13. Stormwater System Calculation Details
<br />Single -Family Dwelling (SFD), estimated average impervious surface area
<br />Unit Cost per Square Foot, Improvement Fee
<br />Small Residential (building footprint , 1,000 sq. ft.)
<br />1,800 sq, fL
<br />Medium Residential (building footprint 1,00C sq. ft. and < 3,000 sq.ft.)
<br />2,900 sq. ft
<br />Mfg. Home Park Space, estimated average impervious surface area
<br />1,780 sq, ft
<br />Total Additional Impervious Surface Area within UGB (build -out)
<br />155,770,560 sq. ft.
<br />I
<br />Total Additional Impervious Surface Area within UGB (build -out) requiring LID c
<br />t.
<br />14. Calculation of SDC -
<br />Unit Cost per Square Foot, Improvement Fee
<br />[$18,800,662 / 155,770,560]1
<br />SO.1207
<br />Unit Cost per Square Foot, Improvement Fee for LID capacity component
<br />[$8,513,629 / 4,650,OCO]
<br />S1.8309
<br />Unit Cost per Square Foot, Reimbursement Fee
<br />[$17.073,927 / 155,770,560]
<br />$0.1096
<br />Total Unit Cost per Square Foot for General Capacity [improvement + Reimbursement)
<br />$0.2303
<br />Total Unit Cost per Square Foot with LID component [improvement +
<br />LID + Reimbursementj
<br />$2.0612
<br />Small Residential SIDC �hujlding footprint < 1,000 sq. ft.)
<br />1,800 sq. ft. X 50,23031
<br />$414.54
<br />Medium Residential SDC (building footprint 1,000 sq. ft. and , 3,000 sq.ft)
<br />[2,900 sq.ft x $0,23031
<br />$667.87
<br />Small Duplex SDC (unit building fcGtprints < 1.000 sq. ft.)
<br />t$414.54 x 2]
<br />$829.08
<br />Medium Duplex SIDC (unit building footprints >1,000 sq. ft. and , 3,000 sq.ft.)
<br />[$667.87 x 2]
<br />$1,335.74
<br />Mfg. Home Park SDC per Space (portion of total charge)
<br />[1,684 sq. ft. x SO.2303]
<br />$387.83
<br />Small Residential SDC with LID (building footprint , 1,000 sq, ft.)
<br />1,800 sq- ft. x $2.0612]
<br />$3,710.16
<br />Medium Residential SDC with LIE (bUdding footprint >1 000 sq. ft, and < 3,000 sq'ft)
<br />[2,900 sq.ft x $2.06121
<br />$5,977.48
<br />Small Duplex SDC with LID (urit building footprints � 1,000 sq. ft.)
<br />[$3,710.16 x 2]
<br />$7,42032
<br />Medium Duplex SDC with LID (unit building footprints 1,000 S . ft. and < 3,000 sq.ft.)
<br />[$5,977.48 x 21
<br />$11,954.96
<br />I L Mfg. Home Park SDC per Space (pertion of total charge) with LID
<br />[1,684 sqft. x S2 061?jL_
<br />$3,471.06
<br />*See Appendix F for complete rate schedule.
<br />Exhibit AtoAdministrative Order No. 58-17-1Q-F—Page 5of22
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