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Admin Order 58-17-23
City of Eugene
Administrative Orders
Admin Order 58-17-23
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9/15/2017 4:05:20 PM
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9/13/2017 2:40:30 PM
City Recorder
Admin Orders
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F. ORS 811.111(1)(e)(B) states that a person commits the offense of violating the <br />speed limit if the person: "Drives a vehicle in a school zone at a speed greater than 20 miles per <br />hours if the school zone is:.... (B) A crosswalk described in ORS 801.462 (`School zone') (1)(b) <br />and; (i) A flashing light is used as a traffic control device and operated as provided under ORS <br />810.243 (Operation of flashing light indicating children in school zone); or (ii) Children are <br />present, as described in ORS 811.124 (Meaning of `children are present' in ORS 811.111)." <br />ORS 811.124 defines "children are present" as follows: "For purposes of ORS 811.111 (Violating <br />a speed limit), children are present at any time and on any day when: (1) Children are: (a) <br />Occupying or walking within a crosswalk described in ORS 801.462 (`School zone') (1)(b); or (b) <br />Waiting on the curb or shoulder of the highway at a crosswalk described in ORS 801.462 ('School <br />zone') (1)(b); or (2) A traffic patrol member provided under ORS 339.650 (`Traffic patrol' defined <br />for ORS 339.650 to 339.665) to 339.665 (Intergovernmental cooperation and assistance in <br />connection with traffic patrols) is present to assist children at a crosswalk described in ORS <br />801.462 (`School zone') (1)(b)." <br />G. Pursuant to the above -authority, I intend to establish a school speed zone on East <br />Amazon Drive from approximately 200 -feet north of Fox Hollow Road to 230 -feet south of Fox <br />Hollow Road. In making the decision to establish the school speed zone, I considered all of the <br />applicable criteria set forth in EC 5.055, including the consideration of state law, Oregon <br />Department of Transportation guidelines, traffic engineering principles and traffic investigations. <br />Based on the applicable criteria set forth in EC 5.055, the following findings support my decision <br />to establish a school speed zone on East Amazon Drive from approximately 200 -feet north of Fox <br />Hollow Road to 230 -feet south of Fox Hollow Road: <br />1. The 4J School District Safe Routes to School Program has requested establishment of <br />a school speed zone on East Amazon Drive at the Fox Hollow -Road crossing. <br />2. East Amazon Drive from approximately 200 -feet north of Fox Hollow Road to 230 - <br />feet south of Fox Hollow Road is a minor arterial with a posted speed of 35 mph. The <br />street has one eastbound through lane, one west bound through lane, a southbound bike <br />lane and curbside parking on the eastside. The pavement is predominately 36 -feet <br />wide. <br />3. Three 4J School District schools are located within 1/2 mile of the crossing of East <br />Amazon Drive at Fox Hollow Road. Charlemagne Elementary School is located <br />approximately 1/10 of a mile from the crossing with the main entrance located at 39th <br />and Kincaid Street. Ridgeline Elementary is located approximately 1/5 of a mile south <br />of the crossing with the main entrance located on West Amazon Drive. Spencer's Butte <br />Administrative Order -- Page 2 of 5 <br />
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