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Item 2G: Res.on LID/West Univ.
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 05/09/05 Mtg
Item 2G: Res.on LID/West Univ.
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5/4/2005 3:23:00 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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plan. The City Council directed staff to proceed with the implementation plan to improve the <br />unimproved alleys, and to pursue other potential additional funding sources to replace Community <br />Development Block Grant monies for the non-assessable costs of improvements. <br /> <br />On January 12, 2004, the City Council adopted a motion directing staff to proceed with design and <br />bidding of a project to improve the unimproved alleys within the WUN. <br /> <br />On May 10, 2004, the City Council revised the assessment code for alleys to assess all costs associated <br />with the alley improvements. <br /> <br />The 23 unimproved alleys in the WUN were separated into three bidding contracts and were opened on <br />April 5, 6, and 7, 2005. The apparent low bidder(s) were 2G Construction for Job #4172 and Job #4310, <br />and Brown Contracting for Job #4309. <br /> <br />The property owners were notified of the pending Local Improvement District (LID) hearing ten (10) <br />days prior to the hearing as required by the Eugene Code. The LID formation hearing was held on April <br />20, 2005, to review the bid information, confirm whether the LID should be formed and to identify any <br />special conditions that should be included in the resolution forming the LID. Fifteen property owners <br />attended the hearing (see Hearings Official Minutes). City staff has received correspondence from the <br />Eugene Garden Club that is shown in Attachment C in the Memo to the Hearings Official. The City <br />Engineer responded with a letter to the Eugene Garden Club regarding its concerns. <br /> <br />Per Eugene Code, the assessable cost for each alley is calculated and then one-half of the assessable cost <br />is apportioned to the properties based on their front footage abutting the alleys, and one-half of the <br />assessable cost is apportioned to the properties based on the area of the properties within 160' of the <br />alley. The assessments are calculated separately for each alley based on the existing uses and zoning of <br />the property within each alley. The assessable front foot costs are calculated separately for each alley <br />based on the existing use of the parcels, and the assessable area costs are calculated separately for each <br />alley based on the permissible use of the parcels under the zoning of the City. Weighting factors are <br />applied to the front footage and area of each property per the use and zoning of the property as <br />prescribed in the Eugene Code and as listed below: <br /> <br />Single family dwelling or duplex 1.0 <br />Other residential 3.0 <br />Commercial or General Office 10.0 <br />Industrial 10.0 <br />Other 1.0-10.0' <br /> <br />*According to the most intensive use of the parcel most comparable to the use listed above as <br />determined by the City Engineer. <br /> <br />The total assessable cost for each alley and the weighted front foot and area cost for each alley are <br />shown in Attachment E in the Memo to the Hearings Official. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M050509\S0505092G.doc <br /> <br /> <br />
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