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CC Minutes - 05/19/08 Public Hearning
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 05/19/08 Public Hearning
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City Council Minutes
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Councilor Zelenka preferred to continue the commission’s review of the CIP as he felt that was valuable <br />input. He suggested that language could be revised to more clearly define the Planning Commission’s role <br />and responsibilities for CIP review. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman clarified that she was requesting two voting citizen members to replace the two <br />nonvoting ex officio members who were being removed from the commission; not an expansion of the total <br />number of commissioners. She agreed with Councilor’s Zelenka’s remarks regarding the commission’s CIP <br />review. <br /> <br />2. PUBLIC HEARING: An Ordinance Adding Sections 9.4770 Through 9.4790 to the Eugene <br />Code, 1971 that Establish a Water Quality Overlay Zone; Amending Sections 9.0500, 9.1040, <br />9.7055, 9.7205, 9.7305, 9.7820, 9.8005, 9.8025, 9.8030, 9.8055, 9.8215, 9.8220, 9.8320, 9.8325, <br />9.8415, 9.8470, 9.8472, 9.8474, 9.8515, 9.8520, 9.8855, and 9.8865 of that Code; Repealing <br />Ordinance No. 20194 and Sections 6.650, 6.655, 6.660, 6.665, and 6.670 of that Code; Adopt- <br />ing the Water Quality Waterways Map; Amending the Eugene Overlay Zone Map; Adopting <br />a Severability Clause; and Providing an Effective Date. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy opened the public hearing and reviewed the procedures for providing testimony. <br /> <br />Jason Martin <br />, Ohio Street, Eugene, thanked Councilor Solomon for her assistance. He expressed concern <br />with the impact of the 25-foot setback requirement on his property. He questioned whether that requirement <br />would be triggered by any repairs to an existing fence. <br /> <br />Gene Addington <br />, Ruby Avenue, Eugene, stated he was also concerned with the 25-foot requirement and <br />was not certain how that was measured. He currently maintained the portion of his property that would be <br />affected by the requirement and questioned who would have the responsibility under the new ordinance. <br /> <br />Doug DuPriest <br />, High Street, Eugene, representing California-Oregon Broadcasting, Inc. (COBI), used <br />photographs that illustrated his concern about the ordinance’s impact on COBI’s satellite dish installation <br />site. He identified a number of problems with the proposed ordinance, including the need for private <br />property owners to hire consultants to determine the setback line. He said if the council adopted the water <br />overlay ordinance, COBI was asking for an amendment that would exempt its Chad Drive property and <br />exclude it from the overlay as a quasi-public telecommunications provider with unique engineering needs <br />and federal regulatory requirements. Alternatively, he asked that the physical footprint be defined as being <br />at least 12 feet wide or the width of the dish, if wider. He noted that COBI was the only telecommunications <br />provider affected by the ordinance and an exemption would be fair. He said the larger dishes were a <br />required upgrade to accommodate high definition signals. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy determined there was no one else wishing to speak and closed the public hearing. She called <br />for comments from the council. <br /> <br />Councilor Solomon thanked those who testified. She asked staff to follow up with Mr. Martin and Mr. <br />Addington on the questions they posed during testimony. Therese Walch, Public Works Department, replied <br />that she would follow up on the questions. She said the ordinance would not change who was responsible <br />for managing the property and owners would be able to provide maintenance of vegetation, including <br />existing landscaping. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council May 19, 2008 Page 2 <br /> Public Hearing <br /> <br />
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