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<br /> ..... <br /> e ~~? <br /> . <br /> 8/9/71 ; <br /> I tion on the selection co~ttee. <br /> Mr. Williams agreed with Mrs. Beal, that involvement would be moving into an <br /> area the Council is trying to move away from, that of payment for services in <br /> the mall. <br /> Mrs. Beal suggested that young artists could be engaged to make decorations more <br /> in the tradition of Christmas. <br /> Mayor Anderson pointed out the question was payment for service. He felt hers <br /> was a good recommendation, and perh~ps staff could take it under advisement. He <br /> felt there were some services which the city could provide without cost to the <br /> taxpayers. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved that the city adopt a policy of not putting funds into decoration <br /> e of the downtown area. Motion died for lack of a second. <br /> Mr. Williams moved that the ci ty work wi th EDA to decorate the mall by pro vi ding <br /> storage space', and labor that is not otherwise committed to productive labor. <br /> Mrs. Campbell did not see how the Council could fund this matter when it chargE;d <br /> for extra police service for mall dances. Manager explained that the ci ty would <br /> I not be spending money but using personnel time. The difference wi th regard to <br /> mall dances is that e~tra people are brought in and paid overtime. This. is <br /> out of pocket money. <br /> Mr. Williams clarifJ..ed his motion that some ci ty employes are on standby, basically <br /> waiting for something to happen. They could be used for this project. <br /> Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr. Hershner that the city work with Eugene Downtown <br /> Association to erect decorations and that it offer personnel and storage space that <br /> is- not otherwise commit~ed, and that would not result in any cost to the taxpayer, <br /> and would not result in productive jobs being left undone that might otherwise have <br /> been done. <br /> vote taken on motion. Motion carried, with Mrs. Beal voting no. approve <br /> Testimony from Councll meeting - City Manager said that, since the agenda was <br /> written, he had received further commUnication from the Eugene DBwntown Association. <br /> The Board of Directors of that association met August 6 and somewhat changed their <br /> approach to the previous Christmas decoration request. They voted to accept the <br /> least expensive proposal of the company, if the City Council would give assurance <br /> that' -installation and storage would be done with city forces, and that the city <br /> would assume the cost for replacement of vanaalism occuring during the five year <br /> period of the contract. Replacement costs would_be, equally shared by the City and <br /> Valley Decorating Company. Motion at the committee meeting provided such help <br /> I available without actual out of pocket costs to city, and that the city would provide <br /> storage space as possible without costs. The powntown Association has proposed that, <br /> unless city help is forthcoming, the contract will be cancelled, and that there be <br /> no organized effort at decoration for the five years it will take to payoff the <br /> 'contract. <br /> D. Contract, Mas~er Plan, Airport - Subsequent to r~ceipt of the planning grant, a <br /> 8/4/71 s ubcdmmi ttee of L-COG 'sT rans portati 011-- Commi ttee screened cons ul tan t fi rms, in ter- <br /> e viewed four and recommended, two. Based upon these recommendations, Arnold Thompson <br /> and Associates was selected for negotiation of the work program. L-COG and city staff <br /> worked with representatives of the consulting firm and developed a proposed work <br /> program and a price agreement of ,$52,000. 'The Airport Advisory Commi ttee met and voted <br /> to recommend the contract be awarded to Arnold Thompson and Associates. Following <br /> the Commission meeting, city staff met with FAA officiail.s and reviewed the proposed <br /> contract. It was agreed that the elements of a master plan required by FAA would <br /> be covered, and that successful completion of the project w@uld provide an adequate <br /> master plan. There were no ,elements in the proposal which would exceed FAA's <br /> requirements. Staff recommends that Council authorize execution of a contract with <br /> Arnold Thompson and Associates. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Mohr that the Council authorize execution of a contract <br /> with Arnold Thompson and Associates for a planning study for an airport master plan. <br /> Motion carried. approve. <br /> I E. Improvement Petition, Monroe Street from 28th Avenue 550' to south - 56% <br /> 8/4/71 <br /> Mr'. Mohr moved seconded by Mr. Gribskov to accept the petition. Motion carried. approve <br /> F. Liquor License, approved by Police Department <br /> 8/4/71 Package Store Class B - Miller's Grocer, 1065 East 20th - Change of ownership. <br /> Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mrs. Beal to approve this request. Motion carried. approve <br /> e 9 <br /> 8/9/71 - <br /> I .... <br />