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<br /> ""'III <br />e ~J'~ <br /> 8/23/71 <br />I Mayor Anderson pointed out that the city has a water plan, and wondered what consider- <br /> ation was gi ven this plan when this policy was established. The poli cy seems to be <br /> contrary to this plan. <br /> Mr. Price explained that EWEB had participated in the DIMJIM plan and that it gi ves <br /> consideration to several aspects of the system needed to provide all services. If <br /> the county or city permit dense building, the Board feels a responsibility to. <br /> supply water. This is what the policy statement tries to define. <br /> Mrs. Hayward asked if EWEB would be willing to gi ve up its prerogati ve of making its <br /> decision about extension of water, on the basis of economic feasibility, sound engineer- <br /> ing practices, etc. Part of the problem seems to be not only where service will be <br /> extended, but where we want to extend it. Through the policy the decision to provide <br /> service is in a sense being made by the EWEB Board, rather than county government. Mr. <br /> Vik said economic requirements would have to bere-ained by the Board. Mr. Guistina <br />e pointed out that EWEB would not want to jeopardize its water system by overtaxing it. <br /> Mr. Omlid said it seemed ques~ioning had been alluding to the County Planning Commission <br /> and that it had not been controlling growth. He reminded everyone that the county was <br /> required by law to have the entire county totally planned and zoned by 1973. Good <br /> progress has been made, and one of the items coming out of this plan is control of <br /> growth in the rural area. Density of building will be limited, and agricultural lands <br />I protected. He felt EWEB had put the responsibility where it should be - wi th the <br /> governmental uni ts . <br /> Larry Rice, L-COG, explained the number of metered customers, EWEB has outside the city <br /> limi ts , and that service is provided to numerous water districts in the metropolitan <br /> area. The question is really whether water service will be to an area everyone can <br /> li ve with. The Boundary COmnUssion can control boundaries, but a water district could <br /> contract for service to an outside area. <br /> Mr. Mohr asked whether the problem was structural or mechanic~l. <br /> Mr. Rice pointed out that the system was not a city system, but served the majority of <br /> people in the metropolitan area. He fel t everyone should get together and deci de whether <br /> to have several water systems in the urban area, or have one or two. <br /> ~ <br /> Mr. Freeman of the EWEB pointed out that EWEB has a virtual mpnopolyon water, and <br /> an obligation to the people of Lane County to supply water as' indicated on the <br /> policy statement. A metropolitan water district should be planned which would be <br /> coun ty-wi de, and this should be implemented by the Army Engineers. <br /> Mr. Olson of the EWEB said everyone wants water from the McKenzie River, and this creates <br /> a problem of priority. It is easy to give septic tank permits, but once they are given, <br /> EWEB water is needed. It is difficult to finance a sewer system, and this is part of <br /> the problem. <br />'I Mayor Anderson said this had been an enlightening discussion, and requested EWEB <br /> members to give consideration to the 1990 Plan and urban service proposals, and that <br /> somewhere in its policy statement that this be recognized, whether as a contingency <br /> dependent upon adoption of the plan, or as a policy statement. <br /> Jess Hill, County Corrmtissioner, said it would be easy to solve this proplem if the <br /> County would create a metropolitan sewer district and take the water with it. It should <br />e be all one program, rather than separated. File <br /> Q. Attorney Opinion re: Conditional Use Application - Councilman Mohr was still concerned <br /> 8/18/71 after reading the Attorney's memo, and requested a short statement why this woul,d not <br /> apply to any situation where a conditional use was requested. File <br /> R. Rules of Conduct, Report of Special Council Corruni ttee - eouncilman Teague circulated an <br /> 8/18/71 ordinance and resolution proposed by the special corrmtittee appointed to study rules <br /> of conduct at Council meetings. He suggested Councilmen study it, and said it will <br /> be on a future agenda. File <br /> Mr. Teague moved seconded by Mr. Mohr that the items listed above be approved, affirmed <br /> or filed. Rollcall vote. All councilmen present voting aye, the motion carried. <br /> IV. Items Not Previously Heard <br /> A. Segregation of Assessment - Edward W. Senger, $437.00 Recommended by staff <br />) Mr. Teague moved seconded by Mr. Mohr that the segregation of assessment for Edward <br /> W. Senger in the amount of $437.00 be approve d. Rollcall vote. All councilmen present <br /> voting aye, the motion carried. <br /> B. Liquor License Applications, approved by Police Depar~ment <br /> RA, The Anchorage, 947 Franklin Boulevard New application <br /> PB, Valu-Mart, 225 River Road New application <br />e Mr. Teague moved seconded by Mr. Mohr that the applications be approved. Motion <br /> : <br /> I carried. <br /> f 8/23/71 - 10 1 <br /> i, <br /> ..oil <br />