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<br />,.... <br /> t 7 7 e <br /> 8/23/71 <br /> -, \1 <br /> I I, I <br /> to provide matching funds for a mass transit planning study. Ii <br /> I II <br /> Mrs. Campbell commented that' the 1990 Plan had been cri tieized~' for lack of mass transit ,I <br /> I study, and that it revolved solely around the automobile, with no alternate plan for I' <br /> I <br /> I, :1 <br /> I: transportation problems in the city. <br /> " " <br /> I' I' <br /> ,I II <br /> I' Vote taken on motion. Motion carried. I, <br /> II approve Ii <br /> II II <br /> I' Improvement Petitions Ii <br /> I' F. <br /> 'I I' <br /> " ;i <br /> Ii 8/18/71 A. Sanitary Sewer.south of Kevington from 100' west of Blackburn to Warren, and on I <br /> II Warren from 100' south of Kevington to 1100' ::. south of 'Kevingt,on. 49% signers I, <br /> p II <br /> I' <br /> I' B. Sanitary Sewers, Conifer PUD, 100% :! <br /> II , <br /> Sanitary sewers, 7th Addi tion to Echo Hollow Park - 84% " <br /> II C. :1 <br /> I' <br /> !I D. Sanitary sewers between Roosevelt Boulevard and 500' south 'from Pacific Highway - 100% :1 <br /> II <br /> ii <br /> :1 Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Mohr that the peti tions listed above be approved. Motion <br /> I' <br /> II , carried. approve <br /> Ii e <br /> ji <br /> :I G. EWEB Decision to Rescind Policy of Extending Water Service Outside Ci ty - Mr. Mohr <br /> it <br /> II 8/11/71 expressed concern about implications to the Ci ty of the EWEB decision to rescind its <br /> II <br /> I, former policy regarding extension of water service outside the city 1imdts. He had felt <br /> I' <br /> il at the joint EWEB-Counci1 meeting about a month ago that an important topic of discussion <br /> II had been EWEB subscription to an urban servi ce boundary po1i cy. At that time, three <br /> " <br /> I' <br /> 'I members of the Board agreed with the Council expression of need for a boundary in I <br /> I: <br /> il coopera.tion wi th the Ci ty. Mr'- Mohr asked for a report which would be an outline of <br /> it the meaning of this apparent policy change. <br /> 'I <br /> II City Manager said he and the Mayor had discussed this policy with Byron Price and <br /> II <br /> I' members of the EWEB Board. In a later discussion, he and the Mayor had agreed to ask <br /> t! the Council if they would like to invite the EWEB Board and other interested parties, <br /> :1 <br />"!I such as other members of EWEB and Commissioners, to meet with the Council at its next <br /> II Wednesday Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss this announced po1i cy and its impli... <br /> iI cations. They believed this had tremendous impact on ,the entire planning process. <br /> Ii <br /> " <br /> ii Mr. Teague said it was Council consensus that such a meeting should be held, and asked <br /> Ii <br /> I: the Manager to extend an invitation. affirm. <br /> p <br /> Ii <br /> j ~ Chris Attneave commented that the Mayor and City Manager had attended an EWEB Board <br /> II meeting which she had attended. She felt EWEB had a moral obligation to the city, but <br /> II <br /> II that the city had very, little hold over them. She did not 'feel they should be supplying <br /> II water outside the city. <br /> Ii <br /> :1 Mayor Anderson assured her they intended .to pursue the matter, and he felt a policy <br /> il <br /> I' would be developed that would be more satisfactory to the city. <br /> I <br /> ii H. Report on Night Court - A report has been circulated to Councilmen outlining the <br /> II recent operation of Municipal Night Court. It was deemed a success, since the delay <br /> I, <br /> " for trial dates has been reduced from 200 days to 30 days, and there are now only 55 I <br /> Ii <br /> :1 trials on the docket. <br /> i: <br /> , <br /> II As a result of this experience, recommendations have been made for future use of night <br /> It <br /> II court: 1) ,Change in manner of notifying prospecti ve jurors and 2) Authorization for <br />Ii Municipal Judge to appoint,pro tem judges when he and the Assistant Judge cannot handle <br />Ii the trial docket. A dollar 1imdt would be placed on expenditures for this purpose. <br /> 'I <br />I: <br />i: <br />I' Councilwoman Beal asked if' notification was to be by mail, and if this would be regis- <br />il tered mail. She was concerned that people mdght mdss the notification, and be penalized. - <br />II Manager said this was ammatter of admdnistration, and was not felt to be a prob~em. Mr. <br />I' <br />Ii Williams commented that the federal district court notifies by ordinary mail. <br />Ii <br />il -ril :answer to Mr. McDonald, Manager said pro tem judgeS are paid $20.00 for appearing and <br />II $50.00 for an evening' s work. If it was found that addi ti ona1 funds were required, <br />,I allocation would be requested from the Council. <br />il <br />II Mrs. Bea1 was concerned that appointment would be by the Muni cipa1 Judge. She felt this <br />I, <br />Ii should be a Council appointment, since the Municipal Judge and his assistant are appointed <br />1/ <br />i! by Council. <br />II <br />ii <br /> I Mr. Williams did not feel qualified to select individuals for this short term employment <br />I' <br />I' <br />" and felt the State Bar Association selected members who were currently eligible. <br />i: <br />" <br /> , <br />I! Mrs. Bea1 fe1 t perhaps the Muni cipa1 Judge could s ubmd t a panel and this could be appointed I <br />II by the Counci 1 . He could then make selections from the panel. <br />I I' <br />I, " <br />I' " <br />" Mrs. Bea1 moved seconded by Mrs. Campbell that selection of pro tem judges be made by " <br />I' , <br />II the Municipal ilJJudge from a panel of qualified attorneys ',approved 'by the Council. <br />:1 <br />Ii Councilman Williams reiterated his opposition, saying-he did not feel the Council was <br />II knowledgeable to choose part time judges without some research~ and he felt if an " <br /> II <br /> attorney was a member of the bar, he should be qualified to serve. ,I <br />\: II <br />,I i/ e <br />Ii <br />,I Mr. Mohr also objected to the Council choosing pro tem judges, and suggested the bar <br />~ 8/23/'11 - 7 <br />