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<br />Council Bill No. 9576 - Calling hearing February 28, 1972 re: Vacation of Button Street north of <br />West 11th Avenue between Wallis Street and Bertelsen Road, Wingard, was submitted and read by council <br />bill number and title only, there being no councilman present requesting that it be read in full. <br /> <br />, <br />tlr. Mohr roved seconded by Mrs. Beal that the bill be read the second time by council bill nUJJber only,' <br />with unanimous consent of the Council, and that enactment be considered at this time. Motion carried <br />unanimously and the bill was read the second time by council bill nuroer only. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr IOOved seconded by Mrs. Beal that the bill be approved and given final passage. Rollcall vote. <br />All councilmen present voting aye, the bill was declared passed and nUDbered ~. <br /> <br />Council Bill No. 9577 - Calling hearing February 28, 1972 re: Vacation of portion of Dillard <br />Road at Snell Street, Parks, was submi ttedand read the first time by council bill, number and title <br />only, there being no councilman present requesting that it be read in fUll. <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr IOOved seconded by Mrs. Beal that the bill be read the second time by council bill number only <br />wi th unanimous consent of the Council, and that enactment be considered at this time. MotIon carried <br />unanimously and the bill was read the second time by council bill nUDber only. <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr movCi!d seconded by Mrs. Beal that the bill be approved and given final passage. Rollcall vote. <br />All councilmen present voting aye, the bill was declared passed and nUDbered ~. <br /> <br />Council Bill No. 9578 - Calling hearing February 28, 1972 re: Vacation of easement on Lot 11. <br />Block 4 ~ 1st Addition to Cow Palace (Jeppeson Acres Road west of Norkenzie Road), Barker. was sub- <br />mitted and read the first time by council bill nUJJber and title only, there being no councilman present <br />requesting that it be read in full. ' <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mrs. Beal that the bill be read the second time by council bill nunber only, <br />with unanimous consent of the Council, and that enactment be considered at this time. Motion carried <br />unanimously and the bill was read the second time by council bill nW1ber only. <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr IOOved seconded by Mrs. Beal that the bill be approved and given final pas8~ge. Rollcall vote. <br />All councilmen present voting aye, the bill was declared passed and nUDbered ~. <br /> <br />Council Bill No. 9579 - Calling hearing February 28,1972 re: Vacation of easeBent near Hawthorne <br />Street between Fairfield Street and Baxter Street, excluding the south 25 feet. Sorgenfri. was sub- <br />mi tted and read the first time by council bill number and title only, there being no counciilman <br />present requesting that it be read in full. <br /> <br />tit: <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mrs. Beal that the bill be read the second time by council bill nunber only. <br />with unanilOOus consent of the Council. and that enactment be considered at this time. Motion carried <br />unanimously and the bill was read the second time by council bill number only. <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mrs. Beal that the bill be approved and given final passage. Rollcall vote. <br />All councilmen present voting aye, the bill was declared passed and nwdlered ~. <br /> <br />Council Bill No. 9580 - Calling hearing February 28, 1972 re: Vacation of easements on Lots 13 <br />and 18, Pine Ridge Estates north of Mahalo Drive, Dills, was submitted and read the finJt time by <br />council bill nunber and title only. there being no councilman present requesting that it be read in <br />full. ' <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mrs. Beal that the bill be read the second time by council bill number' only. <br />wi th unanilOOus consent of the Council, and that enactment be considered at this time. Motion carried l <br />unanilOOusly and the bill was read the second time by council bill nunberOnly. ' <br /> <br />Mr. ,Mohr IOOved seconded by Mrs. Beal that the bill be approved and given final passage. Rollcall vote. ' <br />All councilmen present voting aye. the bill was declared passed and nunbered ~. <br /> <br />Council Bill No. 9581- Amending Section 9.050 of the City Code re: Plat Check Fees, was sub- <br />mitted and read the first time by council bill nUDber and title only. there being no councilman <br />present requesting that it be read in full. <br /> <br />tit <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr moved seconded by MnJ. Seal that the bill be read the aecond time by council bill nUDber only.' <br />with unanimous consent of the Council. and that enactment be considered at this time. Motion carried <br />lUlanimously and the bill was read the second time by council bill nunber only. <br /> <br />'Mr. Mohr IOOved secOnded by Mrs. Beal'that the bill be approved and given fiaM passage. Rollcall vote. <br />All councilmen present voting aye. the 'bill was declared passed and lumbered ~. <br /> <br />Manager said the purpolle o~ t:hta o.rd.1nance 1s to bring plan checJdng fees for pl.ts to <br />oorrespond wi th schedule ~ov1ded by Df!M Sute law. Staf~ feels 1ncre~e 1n Cbazges <br />1s justif1ed. ' <br /> <br />COJrR <br />1/19/72 <br /> <br />, " <br />COlUlcil,Bill No. 9582 - Paving Centennial' Boulevard from'centennilaLaop West to 300 feet eas~ <br />of Centennial Loop East, was submitted end read t~e first time 'by council bill nUDbel' and title only. <br />there being no colUlcilman present requesting that it be read, in full. .' ' ' <br />, I <br /> <br />.d <br /> <br />Mr.Mohl' moved seconded by Mrs. Bealthat the bill be read the second time by council bill nUDbel' only ~J <br />with unanimous consent of the CO\D1cil. and that enactment be considered at this time. Motion cal'l'ied ' <br />unanimously and the bill was rea4 the second time by council bill nUJlber only. <br /> <br />Hr. Mohr moved seconded by Hrs. Beal that the bill be approved and given final passqe. RollCall <br />1IO:te. All eouncUmen ,present vodtig aye. the bill' was declared ~assed and numbered ~. <br /> <br />20 <br /> <br />~ <br />