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<br />Manager said he thought the Council would have this authority but it might be wise to <br />hold the ordinance to give an opportunity to research this question. <br /> <br />Councilman McDonald questioned the propriety of the Council's filling vacancies on the <br />Board when Board members are initially elected by the people. <br /> <br />c.~ <br /> <br />-a- <br />~,-' .}: ::'. <br />i <br />I <br />, <br />! <br /> <br />Councilman Hershner concurred saying that he couldn't see how appointment of Board mem- <br />bers by the Council would make the Board more broad based inasmuch as members of the <br />Board are also elected by, the people. <br /> <br />Mrs. Campbell said she had many calls from constituents suggesting consideration be- <br />cause it is felt the Board has been self-perpetuating. She said she understood all <br />five encumbents were appointed and that appointment by the Council would probably give <br />a broader base for people chosen to serve on the Board, 'and in a way would prevent a <br />self-perpetuating body. <br /> <br />,,' <br /> <br />Councilman Teague said he would like to see the council bill tabled or held to give <br />an opportunity to determine the legality of Council appointment. <br /> <br />David Gooley of 86 Patterson Street said he felt it very important that every City <br />agency be under the guidance and control of the City Council; that Board actions have <br />a tremendous effect on the City and the Council should direct the City in a co-ordinated <br />fashion so that they can plan adequately for the future. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />". <br /> <br />"'"", <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />Wes Morgan, 2101 Monroe Street, commented on the low rates and efficient service main- <br />tained by the Water Board and said it had been free of political influence. He said <br />Board members have been stable, secure people not accountable to outside pressure. He <br />objected strongly to appointment by the City Council saying the Board should be kept <br />above politi cs. <br /> <br />Mr. Vik said the procedure followed by the Board in filli~vacancies is the same as <br />that followed by the Council in filling its. vacancies. <br /> <br />Mr. VanFossen remarked that the Water Board is the only department of the City which <br />is making money and asked that there be no interference with its operation. <br /> <br />A vote was taken on the amendment to change the word "Board" to "City Council". Motion was de- <br />feated - Mrs. Beal and Mrs. Campbell voting aye; Messrs. Mohr, Teague, McDonald, and Hershner <br />voting no. <br /> <br />A vote was taken on the motion to read the council bill the second time by council bill number <br />only os with unanimous consent of the Council. Failing unanimous consent, Mrs. Beal voting no, <br />the bill was held for second reading at the February 28, 1972 Council meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Williams asked if Mayor Anderson has indicated a choice, and Manager replied the <br />Mayor suggested Councilman Hershner; he is the Council's representative on the Metro- <br />politan Study Commission and since it is an equivalent task, the two would tie together. <br />Mrs. Beal said she feels he is too busy,with other activities to give the added time <br />and asked that the appointment be held' until he is consulted. It was understood the <br />item would be held for further discussion. <br /> <br />i <br />I <br />~ <br />"l' <br />I <br /> <br />II - Appointments <br />L-COG Alternate Delegate - The Council was asked to appoint one of its members as alter- <br />nate representative of the City to L-COG meetings when Mayor Anderson is unc~ble to <br />attend. Mrs. Beal suggested Mrs. Campbell, since she has time and interest and has <br />been attending those meetings. <br /> <br />Comm <br />2/9/72 <br /> <br />Mrs. Frank LaCl}, 1976 University Street, appointed to Library Board for <br />four-glJar term ending January 1, 1976, replacing Mrs. Ralph Carlson. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />~ <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal asked Councilman Hershner if he felt he had enough time to attend the meetings. <br />Mr. Hershner said he could. Mr. McDonald asked for confirmation that the position being con- <br />sidered is for the alternate representative. <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mrs. Beal to appoint Councilman Hershner as the City's alternate <br />representati ve to L-COG. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />II - Items discussed at Committee meetings on January 26, February 2, and February 9, 1972 and <br />to be acted upon ~ith one motion. Minutes of those meetings appear below in italics~ <br /> <br />A. Appotntments - Mayor Anderson announced the fopowing aPP9intments and reappointments: <br />LOuis F. Bonson, designer, 390 West 23rd Avenue, reappointed to Building and <br />Housing Baard of ApPeals for five-:year term ending January 1, 1977. <br /> <br />. A. W. Kreig, 3252 Onyx Street, reappointed to Zoning Board Q.f Appeals, ,for, <br />, .five-gear term ending January 1, 1977. <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr moved seconded bg Mr. GrJ.bskov to confi rm the appoin tments. Mati on carri ad. ' <br /> <br />Co"." <br />1/26/72 <br />Approve <br /> <br />B. Amendment Ci ty Code, Licensing Commercial Soli ci tors - Manager explained firms and <br />corporations having sales forces of fi ve or, six people have been 9.perati~g. unde,r <br /> <br />" ~t:' <br />,..:,,) <br /> <br />2/14/72 - 4 <br />