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<br />The Southland Corporation. Approved by the Police Department. It was understood <br />the applications would be placed on the February 14, 1972 Council agenda. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />M. Minutes of Council meeting held January 10, 1972 - as mailed to Council members <br /> <br />N. Film, "The Publi c Wi 11 " - Mrs. Campbell Iecom.msnded pUIchase of this film fOI use <br />by the Ci ty. Mr. Williams said it was his underst~ding the League of Oregon Ci ties <br />was interested in purchasing the film, or in persuculing the University of OIegon <br />Library to purchase it and make it available for use in the community. It was under- <br />stood contact would be made wi th LOC and the Library to deteImine if it would be <br />available through those agencies. <br /> <br />O. Condi tional Uses, R-4 Zones - Councilman Williams said there would appear to be a <br />severe conflict between heavy density residential uses and expansion of medical <br />facili ties in the area between Sacred Heart Hospi tal and downtown, and asked for <br />explanation of planning in that area. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Planning Director distributed to Council members copies of a concept map showing <br />vario'ils physical problems in the area. The map was developed as the result of a <br />study by CH2M because numerous plans for development in the central area were not <br />all on one map. He said the bulk of R-4 zoning is in the Sacred Heart aIea with <br />some near Lane Towers west of Willamette, and that the Planning Commission has <br />generally accepted the CH2M concept fOI living aIeas, although additional study <br />is planned to analyze the impact of the Amazon and SkinneI Butte expressways. In <br />light of this, he said, the recent amendment to R-4 zoning allowing commercial uses <br />on street level with residential uses above should be considered a holding action <br />to prevent commercial uses not Ielated to that living area until a firm plan is de- <br />veloped. He said the Planning Commission feeling is that until it gets into the <br />detail of renewal planning - not necessarily demolition, but conservation, re- <br />habilitation, and spot clearance - it would be best to prohibit non-related com- <br />mercial use. Mr. Porter said if it is desired he would prepare a wIitten Ieport, <br />and Mr. Williams commented that such a report would be desirable in view of the <br />Council's probably being faced wi th the problem of a confli ct in uses between those <br />doctors' offices desired to be EJdjacent to the Hospital and the idea of high density <br />residential use in the sarna area. <br /> <br />P. City Representative, Lane County Community Action Agency - Mayor AndeIson announced <br />appointment of Councilman MohI to IepIesent the City on the Administering Board of <br />the Agency, saying Mr. Mohr had served before Md hCJS the knowledge to give great <br />assistance to the program. <br /> <br />-~ <br /> <br />Q. Conflict-of-Interest Policy - Councilman Mohr €!Sked time be allotted on a <br />future agenda to allow discussion of the Ci tl} Us conzlict-of-interest policy. In <br />cmswer to the Manager's suggestion that it might be helpful to have staff work ac=- <br />complished before it is brought to the Council, P-1r. i-lohr said he had gathered material <br />on the subject, inCluding model stCltemants, legisl€Jtion, etc., which would be dis- <br />tributed to Council members. Councilman McDonald suggested it might be an appropriate <br />i tern for discussion at the Council's proposed self-study session, but the Mayor said <br />since it would need formal Council actiOl'l, open discussion would be more suitable. <br /> <br />R. Flood Plain Insurance - Copies of a memorandum from the Public Works DepaItment were <br />distributed wi th the agenda wi th IegaId to Eugene's becoming eli gible for. flood plain <br />insurance under a Federal program. In ordeI to beoome eligible, a resolution author- <br />izing the City's participation would haVe to be adopted and submitted to the Depart- <br />ment of Housing and urban Development wi th a copy of the Ci ty' s zoning ordinance re- <br />lating to flood districts, and a City map, after which HUD with the Corps of Engineers <br />would establish flood areas and then insurance would become available for residences <br />and small business structures at a subsidized rate. Public Works Director explained <br />in answer to Mrs. Beal's question with regard to the subsidy that it would provide <br />insurance to the property owners for 40C per $100.00 face value, with the Federal <br />government paying the balance of the premi WD. <br /> <br />, <br />i <br />I <br />J.. <br />.\ <br />1 <br />, <br />i <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />Mr. Williams expressed concern about the impact of the program on staff time if <br />adopted. Public Works Director replied it would entail only another item on a check <br />list used in issuing building permits, and then only for those who want the insurance. <br />There are very few areas now within the City which would be below a flood plain level/ <br />annexations would probably pick up any areas of significance such as River Road and <br />Glenwood areas. He said one fringe bensfi t in adoption of the program would be that <br />present City residents could apply for subsidized insurance ,if they desire to cover <br />properties having a potential hazard ~f' mud slides or seepage on which insurance <br />premiums are so' high. 'l'he burden of , meeting Federal .requirements for acquiring the <br />insurance would fall upon the parson who wants it; it would not be mandatory under <br />the program. <br /> <br />Assistant Manager further explained the flood lUUlelrd zones would be designated by <br />setting elevations below which a home cannot be constructed and probably imposing <br />upon the developer the responsibili ty of satisfying the Ci ty. that he has constructed. <br />accordingly, rather than using 01 ty crews andsuzvsgors I' so there would be no material <br />change in the Ci ty , s workload. <br /> <br />. -)0 <br />IJv <br /> <br />Conun <br />2/9/72 <br />Approve <br /> <br />Approve <br /> <br />Conun <br />1/26/72 <br />, Affirm <br /> <br />Comrn <br />1/26/72 <br />Affirm <br /> <br />Conun <br />1/26/72 <br />Affirm <br /> <br />Comrn <br />1126/72 <br />Affirm <br /> <br />2/14172 - 7 <br />