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<br />boundaries by realtors. He said it 'Would be diffioult for the State High'Way <br />Commission to study alternate routes beoause of the large oommitment in <br />terms of monetary oosts~ but that the State has not disoussed social oost. <br />This is the oost the City 'WiZZ have to bear~ he said~ so the City should have <br />some report on alternate routes sinoe the State olaims they 'Will not. <br /> <br />~- <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr said 'What the Council needs to know is 'What the Defense Council is <br />proposing so far as making the multidisplinary -team's report to the Federal <br />Commissioner of Roads~ and how to avoid the State's making a oase to the <br />Commissioner. <br /> <br />ii <br /> <br />Mr. Aldave replied that before the oontraot is signed with the State on oon - <br />struotion of Highway 126 it should be knawn that this is the appropriate route <br />and whether there are alternatives. He said the Council has the authority to <br />withhold oonsent and make known what is wanted~ giving the citizens some <br />right to disouss alternatives to what has been planned sinoe 1950. <br /> <br />Mayor Anderson denied the inferenoe that there wiZZ not be proper publio hear- <br />ing on this issue~ saying preliminary disoussions make it obvious a publio <br />hearing wiU be held before any oontraot is signed. If there are findings in <br />faot whioh are not oorreot or there is bias involved~ that wiU be -brought out <br />in publio hearing. He said what reaUy is being done is foUawing a format <br />adopted by the Federal government and making looal expertise input as effeotive <br />as possible to go into a statement whioh oan be utilized. This oannot be done <br />if a oommittee is appointed without faots with whioh to work and without 00- <br />operation with the State Highway Department. The Highway Department is now <br />busy with projeots in the Portland area so it oould be a matter of some months <br />before they get to this projeot. He said he feels it 'Would be a grave mis- <br />take to go ahead with a studY on the looal level without the State's help. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal asked if State Highway Department doownen'ts are publio doouments. <br />Manager said he would asswne they are available to any citizen~ especiaUy <br />to a oommittee appointed by the city of Eugene~ unless there maS some legal <br />matter involved. Mrs. Beal oommented on the Planning Commission hearings and <br />the amount of publio interest expressed in the idea of having an impaot study. <br />She said beoause of the amount of work and being understaffed it 'Would seem <br />the State would weloome the help of a oommunity organization suoh'as this. <br />She agreed with merrbers of the Defense Council that no time should be lost <br />in appointing the team~ that if they find they need information they surely <br />would have the oo-operation of other agencies. <br /> <br />Otto Potioha said he doesn't think' the initial assignment of the impaot studY <br />oommittee was for a broad overview of ESA'ES. He said he feels it is impossible <br />to make any studY with regard to the seotion of Highway 126 under disoussion <br />'Without taking other links into oonsideration. He said he sensed that the <br />looal oommittee would be for input to the State team~ whereas it reaUy <br />should be a group aoting in an advisory oapacity to the Planning Commission <br />and Council. He also cited oosts to the City in terms of moving people from <br />the right-of-way area~ the "cigar-shaped" pieoe of land left bei;;ween the <br />traoks and the road~ the renewal task and loss of property ta:x;es~ eto. These <br />are the items~ he asid~ the impaot study oommittee 'Was to oonsider. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mayor Anderson said there has not been sufficient oontaot with the State be- <br />oause of their work elsewhere to be able to work out these details. When <br />that has been done then the Council may want to alter the oomposition of <br />the looal oommittee so far as disciplines are oonoerned. It is stiU an issue <br />of timing and whether the Council's judgment is oorreot in establishing <br />liaison with the Highway Department before errbarking on the City's study. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Counoi Zman Hershner said he has the impression merrbers of the Defense Counoi l <br />have the idea that an impaot study made by the State would be aooomplished <br />so rapidly the City's oommittee would not have time 'to aot. He said there is <br />no intent to bypass a looal study, that he would favor not taking any further <br />aotion until there is more information on makeup of the State team. <br /> <br />Councilman WiUiarns said there is no reason to appoint the looal oommittee <br />until the State'is readY to 'Work~ then this oommittee would work 'With the <br />State~ be cu.uare of what the State is doing and make reoommendationS to the <br />Council if it is felt the State is not taking the proper aotion. He said they <br />must work together in order to funetion intelligently. . <br /> <br />Manager said in oonversation with Tom Edwards~ State High'Way Engineer, about the <br />State's position at this time~ he was told the State is busy with impaot studies <br />in the Portland area and has not made any deterrnincrtion whether staff wiU be' <br />used or a oonsulting firm, but they would weloome any looal oommittee to 'Work <br />with the people making the study. State representatives wiU oome to Eugene <br /> <br />"-.) ,..-",) <br />(J,C" <br /> <br />3/27/72 - 8 <br />