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<br />Mr. Williams said in seconding the, motion that although he favors the principle <br />of the concept he would reserve support until he has had an opportunity to re- <br />view the written ,proposal. <br /> <br />A vote was taken on the motion as stated, and motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Comm <br />4/12/72 <br />Approve <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Neil Murray, 653 West Broadway, reminded the Council that the proposal would provide a <br />vehi de for bet.ter co-ordination for existing 'and future community /s chool uses ~ In answer <br />to Mr. Teague, he said there will be ways of controlling care and safeguarding of school <br />buildings and properties. He said they are asking for app~oval of the concept at this time; <br />later on ,recommendations will be made on details of the operation,. ' <br /> <br />Michael Sprague said ,he agreed with the concept and felt it is really necessary to organize <br />the community to work toward opening schpol buildings on a 24-hour basis. He :said Lane <br />'County pre-schools- should have 'ac'cess to the school' b'uildin-gs in- their local areas. " <br /> <br />~ . - ~ -- ~...,.....,- -- -, --- ,-~.~ ~.-=.,--- .->-" -:: -. ~.,;,--:-= - ~ <br /> <br />E. Taxation Program (Primary Ballot Measures, May 1972) - Copies of a memo were dis- <br />tributed to Council members setting, forth suggestions of th~ Council subcommi ttee <br />with regard to the prqposed l~% County income tax and increased motor vehicle li- <br />cense fee to be voted upon at the May primary. It is suggested revenues from the <br />auto fee increase (estimated at $460,'000) be equally divided between Park and <br />Street improvements. Park improvement, acquisition and develppment, to be in line <br />with the 1970 10~y~ar capital program; and street improvements to emphasize ar- <br />terials, but to also include traffic safety with more lighting, signals, and bi- <br />cycle facilities. Revenues from ~he l~% income tax would be pledged to support <br />of the operating budget, thereby offsetting property tax revenues with which the <br />operating budget is now funded. Manager said the revenue projections from the tax <br />are very conservative an,d expenditures probably overstated, this in order not to <br />create too promi-sing a picture of what may develop. <br /> <br />Since the tax i~ propo~e4 fO~,a, fo~r-yearper~od and there is ,the possibility the <br />measure will not be resubmitted at the, end of that, time, or it may not be approved <br />by the voters if resubmitted, it would not, appear pract.ical to pledge 'one-half of <br />those ~evenues to ~etirem~nt of bonded, indeb,tedness for capi tal, projects. It is <br />also evident_~hat the property tax will not support the needed capital improvements <br />which it is felt can be p,rov:ided, ($10 to $15 mLllion). It ,was sugges.ted that the <br />1970 10-year capi.tal, improvem~nt progra[U be updated before the November geI)eral <br />election, including the, au.ditorium, ,giving time ,to giye the_public factual informa- <br />tion on capital needs then bond issues could be submitted at that time. <br /> <br />Mrs. Campbell asked if'a statement could be made that a portion of the income tax <br />revenue will be used to reduce the property tax, which she feels would sell the, <br />measure to the voters. Mr. Mohr. said, the correct statement w,ould be; as suggested <br />by the Council subcommittee, that the entire income from the tax ,will be devoted <br />to property tax relief through its application to the operating budget. <br /> <br />Mayor Anderson said the Ci ty has two concerns, one is property tax. relief ,the, <br />other is that the City has fallen behind in capital improvements and a program <br />must be provided for the voters to decide whether they want to continue with <br />capital projects. To p~pvide as much input as possible ,from the public, he said, <br />publj.cllearings will be hel,d during the summe_r to help _in ,forI?ulating ,a .plan <br />which will fall within the financial capabilities of the City. <br /> <br />Manager said it should be stressed that voter approval of the income tax and the <br />auto fee increase or one or the other does not imply that the capital improvement <br />program will be approved, only that it will be submitted to give the voters a <br />choi ce of what is wanted. <br /> <br />Mr. Mohr moved seconded by Mr. Williams to endorse the ,ballot measures, pledgi[lg <br />revenues from the auto license fee increase equally to park$ and street improve-' <br />ments, and all of the revenues from the l~% County income tax for the four-yea;r <br />period to cffset the operating budget of the Ci ty. <br /> <br />Councilman Williams asked if the motion should als.o incJ..ude the Council's intent, <br />to submit a Jis~ of capital needs, to the ,voters before the November general elec- <br />tion. ,Mr. Mohr, replied that he doesn',t feEl,l in supporting the ballot measures <br />there is need to document the capital ,needs of the City in terms of bond issue <br />or serial levy. <br /> <br />A vote was taken on the motion as stat,ed, and motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />F. Portland Avenue Traffic - Copies of a mem.o were previously dist;ributed to Council <br />members recommending permanent installation of the experimental barricade on <br />Portland Avenue north of Crest Drive and that no other measures betaken at this <br />time. ~t also recommended ,some signing at Portland at 30th and asked authoriza- <br /> <br />tion for ~perimental traffic controls in other neighborhoods with simiiar problems. <br /> <br />107 <br /> <br />4/24/7? - R <br /> <br />.- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Comm <br />4/19/72 <br />Approve <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />'~ <br />