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<br /> Mrs. Campbell asked whether they are asking for ,representation on the Planning <br /> Commission, and Manager replied they are asking to serve on any commission, <br /> committee, or advisory group in existence making planning decisions in the South <br /> Eugene region. <br /> . Mrs. Campbell asked whether LCOG should consider the request since the people in <br /> the Association live outside the City limits. Manager said it is not necessary <br /> that all Planning Commission members live within the City; however, there are no <br /> vacancies on the Commission, which is established by State law. If the group <br /> is recogni zed as part of, the commission it woul d have to be on an advisory com- <br /> mittee basis. . <br /> Public Works Director reported that the Planning Commission at its May 23 meeting <br /> received the same_letter from the Association and concluded they could not be <br /> recogni zed as, a body because they are not wi th1.n the Ci ty . However, a _ formal <br /> letter will be written welcoming them to participate as members of the community. <br /> A report on the request will be coming to the Council from the Commission. <br /> Mrs. Campbell commented that some of the people of the Spencer's Butte Improve- <br /> ment Association appear regularly at City meetings, and they are particul<;J.rly <br /> concerned with the South Eugene area and interim density plan for that area now <br /> under discussion. <br /> .. <br /> Further discussion took place on procedure to include the Spencer's Butte people Comm <br /> in the structural organization and whether they had representation on the Com- 5/24/72 <br /> munity Goals Committee. No action was taken. File <br /> . R. City Hall Parking ~ Manager explained that under th~ present method of renting <br /> parking space to City employes ($7.50 per month and established when City Hall <br /> opened) the pa!king area wi)l be subject to property tax. If that area is put <br /> on the tax rolls it would mean an increase of $5.00 per month to employes. Also, <br /> there is not enough parking now to accommodate the public and City vehicles. <br /> Manager said he feels priority should go first to City cars; second, to the <br /> public; and third, to City employes. <br /> An arrangement is being developed with the Eugene Water & El~ctric Board for <br /> the half-block now being cleared across 8th from the City Hall, and with the <br /> Baptist Church on the Cfuartez::-block at the southeast corner of 8th and fligh for <br /> rental to Ci ty employes at $ 8,.00 per month. Space so provided will be more than <br /> needed, so it is proposed to install meters on the, west end of the EWEB half- <br /> boock for daily and/or monthly parking at a higher rate for others than City <br /> I employes. Spaces cannot be assigned, parking will be by permit on a first-come, <br /> first-served basis to avoid individual rental which would bring the property onto <br /> I the tax rolls. Manager said this arrangement is_ temporary since eventual,ly EWEB <br /> plans to build on that site. He said the proposal has been discussed briefly with <br /> the Employes Association and with union leaders so that they_ are aware, of the <br /> change, but there has been no feedback yet. <br /> . Mrs. Campbel+ commented that the proposal is consistent with the terms of the <br /> propose,d ordinance creating a Downtown Development Board in that' it is recom- <br /> mended downtown employes buy parking permits rather than use the free parking. <br /> I _ r~ . <br /> Michael Sprague asked if .,there is provision for bicycle parking. Manager <br /> answered there is no proposal to sell bicyc~e parking spaces to City employes Comm <br /> although there are a good many bicycles used and parked at various'locations 5/24/72 <br /> around City.Hall.. File <br /> S. Report on Mall Regulations Survey - Manager said a redraft of the mall reg~la- <br /> tions will be mailed to Council members for study prior to receiving the report Comm <br /> on a mall regulations survey prepared by Professor Allman's class. It was de- 5/24/72 <br /> cided ,the report would be 'given at next week's committee meeting. File <br /> 7;. Appointment, Zoning Board of Appeals - Mayor Anderson asked' CoUncil members for <br /> suggestions not, later than the middle of next week for filling a vacancy on the <br /> Zoning Board of Appe,als . The vacancy occurs as the resul t of the death of Comm <br /> A. W. Krieg, recently reappointed. Mr. Anderson commented on his excellent 5/31/72 <br /> work as a member of the Board. File <br /> . u. Complaint, Use of South Kincaid_Ball Field - Mrs. Campbell reported that Ronald <br /> Weiss, 3945 East 'Amazon Drive, is concernedabout'cthe Parks Department policy <br /> of allowing adult males to play baseball at the South Kincaid field. He' has -ex- <br /> perienced broken windows, harassment, basebal~s on the roof and into his -house, <br /> andhas.recovered damages from the City in the past. Mr. Weiss, she said, is <br /> not concerned about chi ldren' s use of the field but that it is too small for <br /> adult use. <br /> /74 6/15/72 - 9 <br />