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<br />\ <br /> Mrs. Beal questioned the large balance of unallocated funds, and asked how the <br /> 'Committee intended to use them. She also questioned the number of cultural <br /> organizations recei ving funds, saying there was no indication 'in the report of <br /> the number of requests for funds which were rejected. Glenn Cougill, chairman <br />. of the Allocation Committee, said no requests for funds received to the date of <br /> ,the last meeting of the committee were rejected. He said a cumulative report <br /> could be prepared for Council members. Wi th regard to the unexpended funds, <br /> , <br /> he said the committee feels it wise to maintain a reserve in anticipation of <br /> heavy use in the future by the Auditorium Association. <br /> Mr. Bradshaw 1/Dved seconded by Mr. Mohr to approve the recommended allocations. I <br /> Mrs. Beal moved to amend the motion to gi ve approval pending receipt of cumulati ve <br /> report. It was understood the reports would be made available to Council members <br /> prior to the August 14 Council meeting. Mrs. Beal dropped the motion to amend. Comm <br /> 7/26/72 <br /> VO~~ was take~~~ _t_h.~o_~!-51j._~al:._ ~~iqn ~s_ stCi~~.., . Motion carried un_anilr!?us}.}l._____j!pprove <br /> 11 p~~nnina COgyni-ssionRADort - July 10 ,1972 <br /> '<. A ey Vacat~ons Recommended for Approval (July 10, 1972) <br /> 1. Between Pearl and High from 11th running one-half block north (Benjandn <br /> Franklin Savings & Loan) - Hearing set at previous Council meeting for <br /> i August 14, 1972. <br /> i 2. Between East 22nd and 23rd from Patterson to east one-half block (YMCA) <br /> 'I" Easement Vacation Recommended for Approval (July 10, 1972) <br /> I. <br /> i }ii East of Augusta Street between 20th and 28th (Weaver) <br /> 1 <br />. Council members viewed the areas on tour. It was understood information would <br /> be made available at the time of public hearing August 14 on vacation of the <br /> alley north from 11th between Pearl and High with regard to proposed traffic <br /> 1/Dvement should the alley be vacated. Comm <br /> i <br /> Mr. Mohr 1/Dved seconded by Mrs. Beal to hold public hearings on the Planning 7/26/72 <br /> Approve <br />!2__r!!~ffi!1l53!ldati ons . Motion ~ar~~e~_~~~~.~~sly~ .-.....-------... <br /> Councilman Teague asked referring to Item D-2 if YMCA has indicated its desire to proceed <br /> with vacation of the alley between 22nd and 23rd from Patterson east in view of District 4J. <br /> School Board's denial of the Y's request to construct an apartment complex on the property In <br /> question. Manager said contact will be made with the YMCA to see if they wish to ~roceed <br /> with the vacation. <br /> I E. ,Appeal, Southridge PUD - Appeal was received from Jean Smith (Mrs. Richard J.), <br /> 5290 Saratoga Street, from the Planning Commission approval of preliminary plan <br /> I :for Phase One of Southridge planned unit development (west of South Willamette <br /> ;north of 52nd Avenue). Manager suggested scheduling the appeal for hearing at <br /> a meeting other than the regular Council meeting August 14 because of the num- <br /> ber of other items on the agenda. <br />. ,Mr. Mohr 1/Dved seconded by Mr. Williams to schedule the appeal for hearing on <br /> Monday, August 7, 1972, pending receipt of opinion from the City Attorney that <br /> , the council is required to hear the appeal. <br /> I Mr. Swanson, Ci ty Attorney's office, said an opinion would be forthcondng be- <br /> fore the end of the week, and it was understood the hearing would not be held <br /> should the opinion so indicate. Comm <br /> 7/26/72 <br /> Vote was taken on the motion as stated. Motion carried unani1/Dusly. Approve <br /> F.P1an Review, Club and Coburg Road Intersection - Manager explained that State <br /> ',owns a small triangular piece of land at the southwest corner of Club and Co- <br /> ,burg Road intersection. The City has asked dedication of that land to enable <br /> jconstruction of a safer intersection. State has not been willing to dedicate <br /> jbecause of potential value as commercial land. Park Department has worked out <br /> ;a landscape design for the area (schematic plan shown Council) including linkage <br /> :with a bicycle path on the north side of the River. Council approval of the <br /> :plan is requested with the idea of approaching State for dedication of the <br /> 'property for park purposes, at the same time enabling improvement of the inter- <br /> section. No funds are available for the project at this time; approval of the <br />. :p1an will perndt continued negotiation with State. In answer to Mr. Williams, <br /> ,Manager said there would be no problem for bicyclists traveling from the proposed <br /> 'landscaped area down to the bicycle path on the River bank. <br /> Comm <br /> Mr. Teague moved seconded by Mrs. Beal to approve the plan as presented. , Motion 7/26/72 <br /> ca~~ie!Lunani1l1Ql.!sly._ __ ___ -- -~ - ---~- ~~--- -- -- --... --, -- . - -- ~...,_.-~ -.----- Approve <br /> ~:a" 8/14/72 - 8 <br />