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<br /> been a mandatory thing in older areas unless support has been received from owners .- - <br /> of neighboring properties. There was further discussion on the initiation of tbis ,-, <br /> project, with Public Works Director explaining that the same process for construc- ---- <br /> :tion would be followed as on other projects; i.e., bids let, public hearing on . - <br /> award of contract, notice to property owners, etc. Comm <br /> [;1/23/72 <br /> Vote was taken on the motion as stated. Motion carried unanimously. J.lpprove <br /> C. petition, Sanitary Sewer between lOth place and 11th Avenue from west of Cleveland <br /> to west of Ci ty View (extended) - Signed by owners of 100% of the properties to be <br /> assessed. <br /> Comm <br /> . Mr. lie.rshner moved seconded by Mr. McDonal d to accept the peti tion. Motion carried8/23/72 <br /> _unani~slY . -~- Approve <br /> D. C~t~ contact-wit~ Legisl~t~-V~ Candidates - Copies of ietter from League of Oregon <br /> c~t~e~ w~re prev~ously d~str~buted to Council members suggesting procedure for <br /> acqua~nt~ng cand~dates for the Legislature with problems confronting City govern- <br /> ment: Staff ~uggested appointment of a Council subcommittee to set up a program <br /> for ~mplement~ng a method of legislative candidate orientation to City problems. <br /> Mr. Bradshaw moved.seconde~ by Mr. Hershner that the Mayor appoint a subcommittee Comm <br /> 8/23/72 <br /> ~~est~d. Mot~on carr~ed unanimously. Approve <br /> E. Council Minutes as circulated - June 26 and 29, and July 10, 1972. Approve ~. <br /> F. ERA ApPointment- Procedure ..: CoUncilman Mohr rePorted th -t th -, c - - - -, - . <br /> mit . a e ounc~l subcom- <br /> tee ~s ready to make recommendations on appointment of a member to the <br /> E..lge~e R:newa~ Agency. It was agreed the Council would go into executive Comm <br /> ses~~on ~mmed~ately following this committee meeting and before the Capital 8/16/72 <br /> ProJ~c~s ~ubcommittee resumes its meeting. Affirm <br /> G.' Board-~ o[Appeais "-':;:- Mayor' Ariderson-annouh"c"ecl -the appOintment Coram <br /> of Mrs. Robert Giutteau, 2013 Graham Drive, as a member of the Zoning Bo~rd of 8/16/72 <br /> Appeals. She fills the nnexpired term ending January 1, 1977 of A. W. Krieg. Affirm <br /> 'il <br /> H. Appointment Procedure, Urban Area Natural Resources Advisory Committee - Th:i.s <br /> ,committee will have the responsibility of overseeing the 1990 General Plan and <br /> wi 11 be directly invol ved in any amendments to the Plan, and is seen by LCOG <br /> ,as ,the key citizens advisory comndttee on general planning decisions over the <br /> ;next few years. In meetings between mayors of Eugene and Springfield and -- , - <br /> : County Commission chairman the general procedure suggested is that Council and I <br /> 'county Commission members will make recommendations for membership and about <br /> :September 21 the Mayors and Commission Chairman will meet to reduce the recom- <br /> mendations to seven persons from each jurisdiction (Eugene, Springfield, and . <br /> Lane County). The seven names from each jurisdiction will then be ratified by <br /> the respective Councils and County Commission, with final ratification by LCOG, <br /> ;at its October meeting. Representation sought includes female, low-income, <br /> laborer (blue collar), professional, minority, youth, elderly, handicapped, <br /> educator, housewife, businessmen (small business and industrial), real estate/ <br /> land developer, and small community resident. Profile sheets were distributed <br /> to Council members for submission of names to the Mayor by September 20. <br /> ;Betty Niven, Planning Commission member, noted that any comndtment for member- <br /> ; ship on the comndttee should include willingness to attend evening meetings~ I <br /> I since it is difficult to have a truly broad representative membership which is , <br /> able to attend day time meetings. Manager also noted that initially there will; <br /> be at least two meetings each month, with the possibility of the committee's <br /> breaking into subcommi ttees. I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I Corom <br /> Mayor Anderson commented on the importance of having good representation from i 8/16/72 <br /> , <br /> the Ci ty and urged each Council member to submi t at least two names. , Affirm <br /> I. Pledge, R~m Tax Funds, Audi tori um - The Lane County AudLtori um Association is <br /> requesting a Council statement pledging uncommi tted audi tori um operating funds . <br /> and excess room tax funds to retirement of the auditorium bonds, with the idea <br /> such a statement prior to the November election will be helpful in gaining ap- <br /> ,proval of the bond issue. <br /> Manager confirmed Councilman Williams statement that room tax legislation did <br /> not provide for specific amounts of the fund to be allocated to various activities.; <br /> 'Mr. Teague said it was his understanding at the time the room tax was adopted that' <br /> most of it would be used to suppor.t the aUditori,um. <br /> 25'.. 8/28/72 - 8 <br />