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<br /> , <br /> .operate, freely.' It; was" his~-'thought that-anyone wanting to make a speech could secure' <br /> , .', <' ~ '- < <br /> .' a permit at' any time_. Mrs. Beal said her idea was construction of a sm,a.l,rp~atform <br /> 'away frpm the central 'fountain area wi th no amplifier which could be used6n:': the <br /> spur pi':the moment whenever a person chose to do so. Mr. Swanson said the present - <br /> regul~tions do not prevent that activity so long as not more than 25 people con- - <br /> gregate. If more than 25 people congregate then there would be a question of <br /> interpretation as to what is meant in the regulations by "meeting" as compared <br /> to an "address." <br /> IBob Thomas, ERA, said it was his understanding he had a guaranteed right to go on <br /> ~the mall at any time he chose and talk about anything he wished, except advocating <br /> :overthrow of the government. Mr. Swanson said it was a question of whether a <br /> 'meeting was called. If announced, a permit would be required. <br /> If was understood Mrs. Beal's suggestion would be brought back for further dis- Comm <br /> cussion at the next co~ittee meeting. 8/30/72 <br /> . Affirm <br /> Councilman Teague left the meeting. <br /> L. Council Meetings, October' 23 and November 13 -- Because of Vetera~-~s -Day <br /> 'October 23, and League of Oregon Cities meeting, November 13, it was ag;eed Comm <br /> Council meetings regularly scheduled on those dates will be held instead on 9/6/72 <br /> October 24 and November 6, respectively. Affirm <br /> M. ,Proposed' Changes, Housing Authori ty Board - Di ck ' Dani elson, member of the . <br /> Mayor's Committee on Aging, reviewed the Committee's request that the Council <br /> recommend to the County Commission changes in the Lane County Housing Authority I <br /> Board. In asking a recorrunendation for increase of the Board from fi ve to seven <br /> members, he said the Committee feels improvement is needed in geographical re- <br /> presentation as well as having the opportunity for members with better resource <br /> background. The Corrunittee also recommends that one or more women be on the <br /> Board, the number of consecutive terms be limited, and that Theo Allen, member <br /> of the Committee on Aging, be appointed to the Board. <br /> Robin Cushman, Planning staff, explained present representation on the Authority <br /> Board, and an informal survey on basis of population made by the Joint Housing <br /> commi ttee. Tabulations of the survey were distributed to Council members. She <br /> said that although the Joint Housing Committee has never made a formal recommenda- <br /> tion, it has concluded from the survey that based on population, if the Board is <br /> i~creased to seven, there should be three members from Eugene, ~ne from Spring- <br /> ffeld, and three from Lane County. <br /> Councilman Williams wondered whether the City should recommend the suggested I <br /> c!Janges to another governmental agency when it does not itself have the same , <br /> policy with regard to its own boards and commissions; that is, membership of <br /> seven, representation according to percentages of population in geographical . <br /> areas, consecutive terms limited, mandatory appointment of women, etc. <br /> Manager suggested a meeting between representatives of the.---fQunqil, Committee <br /> on Aging, Housing Authority Board, and Lane Count;:y Commission before position is <br /> taken by Council, giving the opportunity for all agencies to hear the recorrunenda- <br /> tions and reasons for them. Mrs. Beal suggested, too, exploration of powers and <br /> responsibilities of the Authority and its relationship with the City housing <br /> committees. <br /> In answer to Mrs. Campbell's question as to the duties of the Housing Authority <br /> Board, Mrs. Cushman said the Authority acts on any City request for additional <br /> housing uni ts in the Ci ty involving Federal funds. She said representation of <br /> cities on the Board depends upon whether there is a housing project in a city, <br /> this in answer to Mr. McDonald's question with regard to whether Oakridge or <br /> eastern Lane County is represented. In this instance, there is no representation <br /> east of Springfield. <br /> Further discussion resulted in consensus that the best approach would be a meeting <br /> between representatives from the Council, Lane County Commissioners, Mayor's Com- Comm <br /> mittee on Aging, Joint Housing Committee, and Lane County Housing Authority. 9/6/72 . <br /> Council President Mohr named Councilman Williams as the City's representative to <br /> meet wi th those named to explore the recommendations made by the Corruni ttee on Aging. Affi'rm <br /> N.' Copies of letter from Archie Weinstein were previously distributed favoring Comm <br /> .the vacation of alley r~nn.il1.g. north from 11th Avenue between Pearl and High 8(;30/72 <br /> ,peti tioned by Benjamin' Franklin Sa~vings & Loan. File <br /> - - <br /> ,2, 72 9111/72 - 10 <br />