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<br /> making the recommendation they reported "The Planning Commission makes, this recom- <br /> mendation with the understanding that they do not necessarily believe this area <br /> 'should be out of the City, but due to a breakdown in procedures residents were <br />. denied the opportuni ty to express their feelings on this matter prior to annexation." <br /> Manager noted this matter was thoroughly discussed previously (see September 13,1972 Corom <br /> 'committee minutes). ~O /4/72 <br /> Mr. Hershner 11Dved secon,ded by Mr. Williams to transmi t to the Boundary Commission Approve <br /> I <br /> request to withdraw the area in question from the City as recolllIlended. (Resolution I <br /> No. 2106, September 25, 1972.) Motion carried unanimously. <br /> I. Planning Commdssion Report - September 11,1972 <br /> ,Planning Commission reco~nd~d~PPX9val of the following vacations: <br /> -. ~- ---. ,",- .' <br /> - <br /> 1. Street between Bethel Drive and Pattison 'from Bethel Drive to Highway 99 North <br /> (Gassman) <br /> 2:. Easement on north side of Willakenzie between Coburg Road and Cal Young Road <br /> (Service Developers Corporation) <br /> 3. Easement between West Leigh and Kevington east of Bailey Hill Road (Nils Hult) <br /> 4~ Easement between Judkins Road and I-5 west of Henderson (City of Eugene) <br /> Annexation of area between Goodpasture Island Road and Fir Acres Drive east of <br /> Russet Drive was recommended (Pioneer Investment) . Comm <br /> It was understood public hearings would be called on the vacation requests, and :10/4/72 <br />. that the annexation would be scheduled for public hearing at the October 9, 1972 'Pub Hrng <br /> C9uncil l]lS~t:in.9."'. .._ _,_ ",,0'. _.' _ '~"" '. .-,-- - .... <br /> -. '". l- I"~ _ '.--... '~r"",,",'';;' <br /> .......,........ <br /> J~ Storm Sewer between Bertelsen Road and Bailey Hill Road from 11th to 18th Corom <br /> Copies of me11D from Public Works Department asking approval of ordinance 10/4/72 <br /> for this sewer were previously distributed to Council members. Approve <br /> K. *Peti tion, Paving Alley between Willamette and Oak from 15th to 16th - 52% <br /> ,In answer to question about abutting property represented by the 52%, Manager <br /> said all resident owners of abutting properties were contacted, the only one Comm <br /> not signing being Newman's Fish Market. Balance of the abutting properties 10/4/72 <br /> ____C!-.Z'f:. in non- res.i dent ownership. Approve <br /> ------ '-<;-<., ~"" --<~. ".- ..--.--~---.~':'~- ~"-;~,, '".. ~~., "- <br /> L. *Liquor License Applic~tions <br /> - <br /> Package Store Class B License (New) - Southland Corporation, 7-11 Food Stores, <br /> 735 Jefferson Street Comm <br /> Package Store Class B License (Change of Location) - Porter's Foods Unlimited 10/4/72 <br /> .-- . ~~. ----. . . of Oregon!,125,~est 11th - -..--~" Approve <br /> M ..:,/1 Sewer Assessment Segregation - Aage O. Jorgenson, 500 N. Bertelsen Road COmrn <br />. I Assessment against property being segregated at northwest corner of Bertelsen 10/4/72 <br /> Road and Wood Avenue has been paid, leaving a balance of $372.49. Approve <br /> ~ ~. ii <br /> N .) . *' Overpark Assessment Segregation - Eugene Renewal Agency <br /> Corom <br /> . ':Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr. Hershner to place the above items*on the con- 10/4/72 <br /> ;sent calendar for the October 9, 1972 Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Approve <br /> 0.: Ordi nance , Amending Dog Licensing Procedure - Copies of proposed ordinance were Corom <br /> distributed previously to Council members. It was understood the ordinance would ,10/4/72 <br /> be brought for cons.i deration , at the 9~to~er 9, l,97? C()uncilmeeting. ."- ._____Approve <br /> - -'- <br /> p. Saturday Market - Copies of a statement submi tted by M'Lou Carden were previously <br /> ,distributed to Council members. Ms. Carden is requesting Council endorsement of <br /> ,the Saturday Market through adoption of the statement. <br /> Corom <br /> Mrs. Beal 11Dved seconded fY Mrs. Campbell to place the item on the consent calendarlO/4/72 <br /> for the Octol?e:c:9." 1972 Council J!lSeting. }.foti.9P qq,p;i.ed unanJ.mousl!l._ _..___. ,bpprove <br /> At the request of Councilman Mohr, the statement asked to be adopted by the Council <br /> was read in full. <br /> Q. Voting Delegate and Alternate, National League of Cities - Councilmen Mohr and Comm <br />.. Campbell signified their inte~t to attend the annual meeting in Indianapolis on 1014/~72 - <br /> November 27-30, 1972, and .~s delegate and alternate for voting. ApprQye <br />- . . <br /> R. Council Minutes as circulated - August 28 and September 11 and 20, 1972 Approve <br /> dol 10/9/72 - 9 <br /> = <br />