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<br />Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Keller that the bill be approved and given final <br />passage. Rollcall vote. All councilmen present voting aye, except Mr. Williams <br />abstaining, the bill was declared passed and numbered 16949. -. <br />2. Amend Housing Resolution and City Code to allow conditional use permits for <br /> Controlled Income and Rent Housing for locally~ and state~subsidized projects <br /> in addition to present Code allowance for federally-subsidized projects <br /> Change in State law allows local subsidization of housing. There are funds <br /> provided in the City's budget for that purpose. <br /> Public ,h~aring"was" held with no testimony presented. - -,/y-::....J:.-.:- <br /> ~ \. <br /> \ <br /> Resolution No. 2238 - Amending ~ Resolution No. 1994re :~~. LOcal' and -state subsidy <br /> in addition to Federal was submitted and read by number <br /> and title. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Williams to adopt the resolution. Motion carried <br /> unanimous:J:y. <br /> Council Bill No. 416 - Amending Sec:tion 9. 724 of Code to!': allow conditional I <br /> Use permits for contolled income and rent housing <br /> for local and state subsidized projects in addition to <br /> Federal was submitted and read the first time by number and title only, there <br /> being no councilman present requesting that it be read in full. --it <br /> ........- - <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Williams that the bill be read the second time by <br /> council bill number only, with unanimous consent of the Council, and that enactment <br /> be considered at this time. Motion carried unanimously and the bill was read the <br /> second time by council bill number only. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Williams that the bill be approved and given final <br /> passage. Rollcall vote. All councilmen present voting aye, the bill was declared <br /> passed and numbered 16950. <br />C.Bids - Public Works Department (Opened December 17, 1973) <br />For demolition and site clearance at 1075 West 6th Avenue - informal bids. <br />M & W Building Wreckers $ 625.00 Contract Cost $ 625~00 <br />Harry G. Abajian 694.00 Cost to City <br />Shur-Way Contractors, Inc. 1,049.50 <br /> Completion Date: December 28,1973 <br />Bids were reviewed by Public Works Director with explanation that the bid covered only <br />the house alongside the store and motel at that address. Attempts to have the structure -e' <br />brought to Code have been unsuccessful; abatement was authorized November 5, 1973. <br />Public hearing was held with no testimony presented. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Williams to award contract to the low bidder <br /> (M&W Building Wreckers) on their bid price of $625.00. Rollcall vote. All <br /> councilmen present voting aye, motion carried. <br />III - Consent Calendar;, <br />Items acted upon with one motion after discussion of individual items3if requested. <br />Previously discussed in committee on November 28 (Present: ,May~r Anderso~;:CouPcil. <br />members Beal, Williams, Hershner, Campbell, Keller, Murray; '-and Wood) and "December 12, <br />1973 (Present: Mayor Anderson; Council members Beal, Williams, McDonald, Hershner, <br />Campbell, Keller, Murray, and Wood). Minutes of those meetings appear below printed in <br />italics. <br />A. 'p l~~ning , cd~i~;io~-Appi --:" CounclT..--- <br />man Wood that each applicant for membership on the Planning Commission be pro- <br />vided a copy of the Commission bylaws. In making the motion Mr. Williams sug- Corom <br />igested applicants should be made aware of the possibility of explaining to the ,11/28/73 . <br />Council in the interview process what kinds of conflict situations they may find Approve <br />themselves in and under what circumstances they would not be able to vote. He <br />said Commissioner Niven, whose term is expiring, was concerned with the number of' <br />circumstances in which a conflict might arise and which would influence Planning <br />Commission decisions. <br /> ....' <br /> '3'=-1 12/17/73 - 2 <br />