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<br />J. ,Closing Hours, - Eugf{ne--Raceway, 11 th ~~ci Dan~bo- Req~est for extension of --..... <br />! time for automobile races a t Eugene Raceway was recei ved from Rod Ormsby, Oregon <br />iRaCeWay Parks, Inc. Present ordinances require that this activity be stopped at <br />'10:QO p.m. because of the excessive noise created. Mr. Ormsby is requesting ex- <br />I tension of the closing hours to accommodate racing activities for six nights dur- <br />ing the 1974 season. Manager explained that in order to grant the request an amend- <br />ment to the Code would be required. He suggested if that should be the Council's <br />desire it probably would be advisable that the amendment allow an exception pro- <br />I cedure by Council motion rather than amending for specific events. <br />I <br />, <br /> <br />iMr. Ormsby noted the entertainment value and demand for the racing events and said <br />i they had been working with DEQ on the noise problem, hoping to work out something <br />I <br />; which would lower noise levels. He explained that the request was for an extension <br />, t() 11 :00 p.m. for absolute closure, with more noisy carti being finished by 10:30 p.m., <br />. for the six nights (April 20, May 4 and 25, June 15, July 6 and 20, August 10). <br />;An extra date was requested to provide an alternate in the event of rain on any other. <br />!Councilwoman Campbell recalled the lengthy hearings with regard to noise problems <br />iat the Raceway and management's promise to install an acoustical barrier. She <br />I wondered why another hour was being requested. Mr. Ormsby said walls ,were constructed; <br />iin 1971 on the Danebo Avenue side of the track. He said the extra time was being re- <br />'quested so that races wouldn't have to be stopped before they were finished if the <br />,10:00 p.m. closing time occurred during an event. He noted that all of the dates <br />; requested were Saturdays, two, of them on holiday weekends. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />Councilman Keller wondered why the events couldn't start earlier rather than extend- <br />ing the closing time. Mr. Ormsby answered that the 8:00 p.m. starting time wa$ <br />· fairly standard, some events being started at 7:00, but if problems were encountered, <br />'spectator animosity arose when an event was cut off befo~~_jt o/as finished. <br />........,.:_.; '-l', :~ . <br /> <br />,~. <br /> <br />,",~,,-- ~.-::-.....~' ~-~.~: '-- <br /> <br />Speaking against any extension of closing time were Mrs. Louis Schneider, living off <br />Oak Hill Drive; Mrs. Vernon Whitwer, 1280 Willow Creek Road; Monica Matson, 751 South <br />Danebo Avenue; and Mrs. Russell Wheeler, 1310 Willow Creek Road. Their opposition <br />was based on noise pollution, unnecessary gas consumption, traff~c disturbance be- <br />;yond the ,present closing hour, inadequacy of the acoustical barrier constructed, and <br />!general detraction from the livability of the area surrounding the Raceway. <br /> <br />,Mrs. Matson quoted decibel readings taken at her ~ome far in excess of the allowable <br />level for motorcycles not only from the racing cars but also from the public address <br />,system. She noted that trial races pr~ceding the evening events sometimes resulted <br />:in continuous noise on race days from afternoon until closing time. In response to <br />iMr. Ormsby's statement that the DEQ through the manufacturers was attempting to de- <br />.velop a method of lowering noise levels of the racing cars, Mrs. Matson'referred ,to <br />icorrespondence with the DEQ dating from 1971 relating to noise standards. However, <br />'I nothing had been done. She felt also the problem of public address system should <br />,have, been solved, and that the gas consumption of the racing cars would be better . , <br />~used for necessary purposes. 'Mr. Ormsby noted that directional speakers for the <br />fpublic address system would be installed in April. Also, that gas supply for racing ! <br />[had been cut back by 25%. .Comm <br /> <br />I 2/27/74 <br />!Mayor Anderson brought the discussion back, to the question of extension of closing : File <br />: hours. Consensus of the Council was against any extension of the present closing <br />; hours because of the many complaints received about the noise, even from people <br />: living some distance from the track. Mrs. Campbell expressed the hope that owners <br />:of the Raceway would consider the location of property away from the dense population, <br />1 area to accommodate the racing acti"vities.' ....... <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />No action was taken. <br /> <br />,. __ Comm <br />K. :-Ali'1)uality' Maintenaric-;;-l{;:~~q Hearing - Copies of notice of Publi"c-heari.n:g'were----:-2i27/74 <br />: previously distributed to Council members. It is scheduled for March 18, 1974 at \-,' File <br />: 10: 00 a.m. in the Lane Regional Air ,Pollution Authori ty conference room at 16 Oakway , <br />,Mall before. thc;D~pa.!:~f'lfnt;-:~t Environrn.ental Quali ty hearings officer. ,', ,.=..,~ <br />. ,'~", ,. -' ... ,. . - .' . . '.- . . ~ <br />L. Committee Meeting, March 6 - Canceled. Councilwoman Campbell and Councilman Wood, Comm <br />City Manager and Assistant Manager to be absent from the City. 2/27/74 <br />File <br /> <br />Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr~ Keller to approve, affirm, and file as noted Items A <br />through L.Rollcall vote. Motion carried,' all councilmen present voting aye, except <br />Councilman Williams abstaining on Item J - Closing Hours, Danebo Raceway. <br /> <br />.H <br /> <br />III - Ordinances <br /> <br />Council Bill No. 463 - Calling hearing April 22, 1974 re: Vacation of utility easement <br />nea~ intersection of Laurelhurst Street and Primrose Street was read by c9uncil bill number and <br />title only, there being no councilman present requesting that it be read ~n fulL <br /> <br />19 <br /> <br />3/11/74 - 12 <br />