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<br />~--'" <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Q.' Alternative Employe, Transportation Modes and Flexible Work Hours - Copies of memo <br />were previously distributed 'Co Council memhers addressed to Lane County Commis- <br />,sioners from Bob Elfers, County administrative officer. The memo set out a ~um- <br />;mary of proposals for incentives for alternative employe transportation modes <br />a" . :and flexible work hours. Councilman Murray said he asked for diS. cussion to de- <br />:termine whether the city could or was pursuing anything along those lines. <br /> <br />I <br />;Assistant Manager reported that although no single, comprehensive report had been <br />Iput,together a number of things had been implemented. They were flexible working <br />hours in nonshift departments to match bus schedules or car pools; the encouraged <br />u~e of b~cycles, inc1qding use of two city-owned bikes for. work.o.rient~d. ,t:r:ips <br />r around town, and conven~entlYP1acea-Dike' racks; reducing monthly parking charge <br />~from $8.00 to $3.50 for those employes participating in car pools; free parking <br />'underneath City Hall for employes' motorcycles; provision of bus tokens to em- <br />jployes at a 20% discount. In addition, employes making out-of-city trips have' \ <br />,been asked to use mass transit ,rather than city vehicles. Assistant Manager Comm <br />j ~ai~ that preliminary. eval~at~on of employe residence~ in relation to ~us ~ines 6/~2/74 <br />~nd~cated about 390 l~ve w~th~n two blocks of a bus l~ne. However, go~ng ~nto i File <br />!a subsidization program similar to the county's proposal would cost about $30,000. ~ <br /> <br />R. ;Rezoning Request, Sladden Park Area - Councilman McDonald reported several calls <br />:received from people objecting to a development in the Sladden Park area which \ <br />:they said would'take away public access to the riverfront. He said he had been <br />'asked to attend Whiteaker neighborhood meetings at which rezoning request re- <br />I . ' <br />~lated to the development would be discussed but wondered whether that was per- <br />, mitted under the Fasano regulations. Or whether he would be able 'to vote on the <br />. ,issue if it came to the Council if he attended Planning Commission meetings at <br />.. ~which the request was considered. Assistant Manager answered that earlier ad- i <br />:vice from the Ci ty Attorney's office indicated that while they would ,not en- I <br />~courage Council attendance at Planning Commission meetings, Council memhers as I <br />)e1ected officials do have the prerogative of declaring any ex parte contacts . Comm <br />I <br />;and that any ex parte contacts would not affect any judgment in a hearing before 6/i12/74 <br />ithe Council. He added" that further advice would be forthcoming from the Attorney' sl rile <br />~ffice after further study of recent decisions under the Fasano ruling. 1 <br />. I <br />. . <br /> <br />s. iSign Code Enforcement re: Billboards - Councilwoman Campbell asked about existing <br />~illboards in the city 'and wondered when removal was scheduled. Assistant Manager <br />!replied that discussions had started on proposals received from the billboard ' <br />!,indus-try wi th regard to amendments affecting billboards. Final staff session <br />~wi th industry people was expected in the next week, after which a report would; <br />iPe brought to, the Council. Schedulin~ of that, he said, would depend upon final ,I Comm <br />'neg~t.ia};ion9. and upon other committee c!9~l}da.items alrea~!;~..__.____._., 6jf2/74 <br />I__.~_,~,- ~._., . -.---_...~_...)h,."_....."-.,.--..-.--...~-.,,----...~--......-.- File <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />T. '~Fee ~~vision - co~ncl1m~n Wood reported that his commi ttee would be meeting next Comm <br />::week for consideration of planning fees revision. 6/12/74 <br /> <br />. :,,-,---,- --";,"- .-------..--.-.. -,,,-.. -.,,-. -,' - ~ -- ..~~. '~ ',~ ri~e <br /> <br />u. iDEO Approval, Parking Faci1J.. ties ~ Copies of 1e~t~:r from Department of Envi'rb~,i:mta1J <br />loua1i ty were distributed to Counc~l members adv~s~ng of approval for c:onstruct~on ,) <br />'Iof six parking facilities totaling approximately 2210 parking spaces ~n the downtow~1 <br />, Camm <br />,urban renewal area. 6/~2/74 <br /> <br />.....,.....-........,.....,......,......... ...... ...._'.. ----.... -.........---.., ........h_._,...___.. -.. '----File <br /> <br /> <br />V. ,Goodpasture Island Interim Report - Prepared by Livingston & Blayney, planners, <br />charged with making a study of commercial needs in the Goodpasture Island area. <br />.Copies of interim report with regard to annexation of properties in that area \ <br />were previously distributed' to Council memhers. Assistant Manager said a time <br />schedule had been worked out with Mr. Blayney for presentation of the final <br />jreport on July 3 with subsequent discussion by the Council on July 17, formal' <br />;consideration to take place at the July 22 Council meeting. He suggested Plan- <br />!ning Commission attendance at those meetings. Council agreed to that procedure. <br /> <br />Councilman Murray said the interim report had raised questions,in his mind not I <br />'so much with annexation issues as to what might be expected in the final report. Comm <br />'H~ was curious about how some of the conclusions were'reached in terms of sup~ qI.1~/74 <br />'portive evidence and data. If the final report was scheduled for July 3, he sa~d'File <br />._ ;questions he had after reading the interim re~r~_ PC?u1d be h~lc:?, unti1~~,a_~_~.~~~~ ' <br /> <br /> <br />W. (Skyline Loop Annexation, State Heal th Findings - Council members were advised that, <br />!the State Health Divison findings of June 4, 1974 declared that a health hazard ! <br />:existed in the Skyline L09P area and that it could be solved through annexation. Comm <br />\Thfil__i:~e.m.,w~s. sC;he.~lJlf#..Q....9n the..!3~un9~:.!!._ C'?IrIlTlission~~_._Ju1y 11 ag~n~a. 6/12/74 <br />. - 'File <br /> <br />6/24/74 - .19 <br /> <br />l ~26 <br />