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<br />Bob Guldin,' 860 Lawrence Street, read a petition signed by people living within the <br />proposed neighborhood area requesting the Council not to recognize the group as speaking <br />for th at neighborhood because it represented only business interests and there~cwas no <br />real effort to involve people living in the neighborhood. He said that despite the fact . <br />that the area is zoned for commercial uses there were several single- and multiple- <br />family residences and those people were concerned with what the Association was doing. <br />He said there were serious questions about whether the Downtown Wests ide group met <br />qualifications set out in the city's police on recognition - geographical area, history <br />of the group, availability of membership to a total and diverse area.' He noted the area <br />covered approximately three blocks by seven blocks and wondered if that size would make <br />an appropriate unit for the planning staff and Commission to deal with. He said it was <br />originally part of the larger Quality Project group until the business people felt they <br />should pullout, and that the history of its development as a group should be examined <br />to see whether they really did speak for the people in that neighborhood. He noted that <br />the 1990~Plan designated the area for medium density residential (so that planning for <br />commercial uses would not appear to be a "cut and dried" thing. Mr. Guldin hoped the <br />Counc~l ~ould no~ recogniz: the group as the ~fficial neighborhood organization, saying <br />he d:dn ~ feel :t wouldflt the general requlrements of the city's neighborhood <br />organlzatlon pOllGY. <br /> <br />Others favoring 'Mr. Guldin's view and asking Council not' to !3.pprove the proposed charter (1067) <br />were Nancy Tuuk, 814 Lawrence; Alen Setzer, 860 Lawrence; and Jerry Litz, 961 Lawrence. <br /> <br />There being no further testimony, the pUBlic hearing was closed. <br /> <br />Councilman McDonald was of the opinion that as long as the membership in this group was ~ <br />open to tenants as well as property owners, and charged no dues or fee for voting rights, <br />there would be no reason not to recognize them as the neighborhood organization. He <br />recognized that it was an unusual area so far 'as zoning ,and'uses were concerned. <br /> <br />Councilman Keller saw the problem of two organizations representing the wests ide area (~60) <br />and the unique characteristic of the smaller neighborhood. However, he thought that as <br />,long as residents of the commercial area had notice of the group's meeting it was up to <br />them t.o participate and in that way express their opinions with regard to what was <br />happenlng to that area. <br /> <br />~ouncilman Wood said there was no doubt the Downtown Westside group was one of special (~~77) <br />ln~erests. He n~t~d concern that there would be precedent in recognizing this charter <br />WhlCh could preclpltate r:quests for separate charters from other special interest groups <br />who felt theJT,"wer~"~ot.bel?g?~ar.din,t~e g:r'oup in wh~ch~hey were. participating. Also, <br />the conc:rn ~xp:s-e_ss~d,J)_~ci3,'1:l8~" ~~,;._~e~' !:epr.~s~~t.e~..was, a transi tio.nal,one .~: .He'G0uldn' t <br />see ~ythln~ wrong Wl th allowlng a cliartei'>""f'Or 'atratrs'i9:'-rori""a-l ai>ea ,~v~n=topee;pr;- with <br />~artlcular lntersts" calling at~ention to. the fact that any neighborhood group was advisory <br />ln nature. . He felt the assumI'tl~n. was belng made that whatever position a neighborhood <br />group took that woul<il.. b.e ~he I'osHlOnadopted by the Council. He felt the co'nflict <br />between the two westslde',gpoupswoilld"create a healthy atmosphere for mak. d . . " <br />. th ubI. . ' ... : "" , lng eC1Slons e"" ~ <br />ln . e p " lC good --:- ~osJ:-:=Ions or both groups would be adequately expressed in Council's ' <br />d:liber~tlons,on posltlon lt would take. He wondered if there had been any staff con- . <br />~nderatlon of reco~izing the general area surrounding the downtown business section, as <br />one group re~resentlng small business or commercial interests rather than thinking of <br />those areas J1n terms of west, south, north, etc. <br /> <br /> <br />Randi Reinhard-::', planning department, said that the Eugene Downtown Association had been (1214) <br />approached about taking membership from this area and areas to the east and south of <br />d;wntown, but the Association preferred not to actively solicit membership from those areas. <br />The interests of the downtown commercial areas seemed somewhat different from those sur- <br />rounding it because of mixture of residential uses with commercial in the neighborlng locat <br />locations. She felt smaller groups such as the Downtown Westside Association should be <br />able to work within the larger groups as a subgroup having common interests, rather than <br />splitting off. With regard to the notification process, Ms. Reinhardt explained that <br />there Has time for only one mailing before the meeting of th,is group and normally two <br />or three meetings were necessary before addresses taken from computers were straightened <br />out to ensure receipt of notice by all" those interested. <br /> <br />Councilman' Wood asked whether any of the people signing the petition presented by Mr. Guldin (1249) <br />had "attended meetings of the Wests ide Quality project prior to establishment of the new <br />group. Ms. Rein~ard ~ad no kno-;ledge in. that regard, she said, since the split came before _" <br />she started worklng wlth the nelghborhood groups. ~ <br /> <br />Councilman McDonald wondered if any' or 'the hiiinness people east or Charnel ton ,p~id into (1255) <br />the free parking district.' Manager answered that the district was bounded by Charnel ton <br />Street on the west. Mr. McDonald further expressed his opinion that the group should be <br />recognized in view of their meeting criteria set by the neighborhood 'organization policy. <br />He ,fe It the Council was in better legal position -if each charter was resognized as . <br />presented, if the prganization criteria was met. <br /> <br />- 6/24/72 - 8 <br />216 <br />