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<br /> " <br /> to make specific determination and spell out how an acti"vi ty ~~commenf!.ed for '-funding <br /> 'would fit under a certain category' and why it should be there. Couflcilman Murray <br /> agreed. Councilman Keller said he would second a motion to foll6w that procedure, <br />~- ibut no action was taken. <br /> It was generally un4e~stood that for the time being the City Attorney's office <br /> ,would review applications prior to Allocation Committee cons~deration to give an i <br /> idea of the burden that procedure would be on the legal staff~ i <br /> ! <br /> - ,.".' ,. .- -- . <br /> 2. Willamette Community Design Center <br /> Manager said that, at the Committee of the Whole meeting, discussion was held as to <br /> whether the request fell within the charter amendment which designates what uses can <br /> be made of room tax rece~pts. It : appeared from the City Attorney's opinion it was <br /> possible that this request could fall within the meaning of the charter -- or could <br /> not -- depending upon the type of proJect. In discussing it with the City Attorney's <br /> office and representatives of the design center, it was suggested that, if considered, <br /> the nature of the service to provide design services to a variety of community groups <br /> could be such that particular projects would fall within the meaning of the room tax <br /> charter amendment. Therefore, it would perhaps be appropriate to make a blanket <br /> allocation and provide for review of each project as it came to the design center and <br /> authorize materials for those coming under it but not for those which didn't. The <br /> Genter felt that method would be workable. The City concurred. <br /> Mr. Williams moved. seconded by Ms. Campbell that Item ,:rt-A-2 (a) be approved with <br />- individual review of projects by the authorized Finance Department represen- <br /> tative, in cooperation with the City Attorney's office. Motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> 3. Women's Forum - YWCA - Requested $600 <br /> Melinda Grier, Executive Director of the YWCA, explained to the Council that, when she <br /> spoke to the Council before, she was thinking of culture in larger terms. She out'ilined <br /> more of the events that would be taking place, such as one feature showing items made <br /> by and for women. 50% of the workshops would deal with dance, painting, writing, etc. <br /> There would be educational events going on but an equal or greater balance of cultural <br /> events. Councilman Williams asked if his knowledge was correct that it was an <br /> opportunity for women to learn about such things as electrical wiring, plumbing, etc. <br /> Is there more to the program than that, he wondered? Ms. Grier answered that the <br /> cultural parts have been planned from the inception but she had failed to mention <br /> some of them before because she was thinking of culture in broader terms. Mr. Williams <br /> said he was concerned about the rather obvious sexist nature of the program. He <br /> wanted to know if men were to be included in the audience or in any other way. She <br /> answered that they are welcome to come but will not be teaching the workshops. She <br /> said it is desired to try and learn about women from women. <br /> Mr. Murray moved seconded by Mrs. Beal that the Council approve $600 <br />- allocation to the YWCA. Motion carried, all Council members preseut <br /> voting aye except Mr. Williams voting no. <br /> ~---:- ~ii:~A~"~ E'I-, <br /> B. ,vedication of SF land for 3rd to 4th street right-of-way between .Pearl and Lincolnl <br /> !purchase of private property between railroad tracks and Skinner Butte for park purposes <br /> IStaff recommended accepting the dedication of Southern Pacific land lying on an <br /> ialignment from 3rd to 4th between Pearl and Lincoln for public,purposes with the <br /> 'understanding that SP would make the dedication if the city would not initiate any <br /> I improvements resulting in assessments against abutting SP lands within the next ten <br /> years. Manager said the purchase of private land betw~en the tracks and Skinner I <br /> Butte appeared premature until total needs for park purchases were known. Failing I <br /> Council acceptance of the dedication, he said, SF in retaining the property could I <br /> refuse its use to the general pUblic, or,owners of abubting private properties could <br /> proceed with a suit against SF for adverse ownership, recognizing there could be <br /> a question whether use under those conditions would include public facilities or <br /> access only. In response to Conncilman Hershner, Manager explained that ,the <br /> "street right-of-way" in the agenda referred to the long-used unimproved route <br /> ; running through that area. Comm <br /> i 10/2/74 <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Wood to proceed with acceptance of Approve .' <br /> the SP dedication as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. : <br /> - -. 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