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No, since each city still must concur in the Metro Plan amendment and adopt a resolution <br />supporting formation to be forwarded to the Boundary Commission. (See ORS 199.462 <br />(2)(a)). One of the criteria for Boundary Commission approval is consistency with the ' <br />applicable comprehensive plans. After that, the voters make the ftnal decision. <br /> <br /> 6. Could creation of Public Safety District be made contingent on gaining all of the other <br /> city approvals of the proposed Public Safety District? (Sorenson) <br /> <br />Currently, if all the cities are to be part of the district, we need resolutions from each city <br />to proceed to the Boundary Commission. Lane County has the option to exempt cities that <br />do not want to participate. To create such a contingency could increase the burden in <br />getting the district established. The Springfield Planning Commission recommended <br />adoption of language that would make it clear that not all cities would need to <br />participate. There might be a point where district formation may not be reasonable if too <br />many cities opt out. <br /> <br />7. If the cities approve the district formation, would the Board of Commissioners set the <br />level of taxation and the level of compression, or do the cities have a role? (Sorenson) <br /> <br />Yes, at the time of application to the Boundary Commission the County would initially <br />propose the tax rate. The cities, 'however, have a role because consent is required for the <br />resolutions of support needed to go to theBoundary Commission. The level of <br />compression is calculated under Measure 5 and is a function of all taxing district rates, <br />including the public safety district rate. It varies from year to year The cities have a role <br />in that changes in billing rates, changes in local option rates, and changes in urban <br />renewal all affect the level of compression. If the Boundary Commission approves the <br />formation, then the tax rate is proposed to the voters, along with the question of <br />formation. <br /> <br />8. What role do the cities have in setting the rate once they agree to the formation of the <br />district? (Sorenson) <br /> <br />It is anticipated as part of the city resolution process that Lane County and the cities will <br />have discussed and resolved tax rate issues. (See answers to public hearing question No. <br />7 above for more). <br /> <br />9. What language in Policy 15 is restrictive? (Bettman) <br /> <br />The current language in Metro Plan, Growth Management, Policy 15, makes it unclear <br />whether a new district would be consistent with the Metro Plan, which seems to make the <br />policy restrictive. Note also there are three alternatives that could limit the scope of <br />services in proposed policy 1509, presented in increasingly restrictive language. <br /> <br />10. Is the $20 million that would be generated for the Public Safety District in addition to <br />the $35 million already spent for public safety from the County General Fund? <br />(Bettman) <br /> <br /> Page 7 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />