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Kelly agreed there needed to be improved public safety. He suggested doing it in a way <br /> that doesn't require a change in the fundamental structure of government. He thought <br /> there could be a serial levy an income or sales tax that wouldn't change the Metro Plan <br /> amendment. <br /> <br /> Bettman asked how the voting would take place. She asked if elected officials had to opt <br /> in and if they were included in the vote. <br /> <br /> Van Vactor responded that if the city council adoPts the resolution it is part of the <br /> application and the Boundary Commission authorizes the ballot. He added if a city <br /> council does not vote for it, that jurisdiction does not participate in the vote. <br /> <br /> Bettman commented in the past that when the County had a bonameasure the <br /> commissioners were not campaigning for it. She thought if they supported their own <br /> ballot measure it would pass. She said they need to establish credibility with the voters <br /> and work hard. <br /> <br /> Dwyer explained that the County has grown over 25% with the same amount of revenue <br /> that they are trying to manage with. He said they are trying to provide the same current <br /> levels of services. He added the County receives $1,27 per thousand ~ncluding bonding. <br /> He stated the Coburg Fire Department receives more per thousand than Lane County. He <br /> said they have to still provide public safety, the District Attorney's office, the jail, the <br /> Department of Health and Assessment and Taxation. He commented that the system is <br /> currently broken and it is not acceptable. He recalled that the Metro Plan was put <br /> together with the three major metropolitan areas so they don't have competing districts to <br /> compete with what the cities are going to provide. He said they have to consider the <br /> mechanism question on whether they should form this district. <br /> <br /> Green commented that.a sales tax would never pass in Oregon. He noted Lane County's <br /> public service budget is around $38 million just for public safety. He added the <br /> discretionary general fund is $50 million and 75% goes to public safety. He said they <br /> would be willing to give 'the services back to the cities to see how well they could do. He <br /> said the challenge is whether or not they could afford to do it. He said they are trying to <br /> get to a solution. <br /> <br /> Bettman said if the County starts to impact their budget, she wondered if Lane County <br /> looked at the priorities and if they are providing just the services that are mandated. She <br /> commented that she sees Lane County spending money that is frivolous. She asked if the <br /> County was still mandated by statute to provide public safety services. <br /> <br /> Van Vactor responded that crimes will be committed and to the extent they have the <br /> resources they will prosecute and incarcerate them. <br /> <br />Page 5 - Joint Elected Officials Meeting - April 19, 2005 <br />WD bc/m/05035/T <br /> <br /> <br />