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5. The proposed amendment is glaringly inconsistent because if it were consistent, you <br /> wouldn't need to render all the policies that the amendment is inconsistent with, <br /> moot. Policy 15 a, b, c, and d are basically neutralized with the "notwithstanding" <br /> language. How is that internally consistent within the Metro Plan? (Bettman) <br /> <br />Basically, the Metro Plan does not address all public safety services. The fundamental <br />Metro Plan principle establishing two cities as the logical providers of services <br />accommodating urban levels of development does not address or preclude the types of <br />services contemplated in the proposed countywide safety district. The fact that the cities <br />do not generally provide the contemplated district services is evidence that these services <br />are not an element of an urban level of development; but rather they are basic, on-going <br />county services regardless of development levels. <br /> <br />Keep in mind that cities are not the only providers of services inside the city. (i.e. <br />schools, electricity, water, park & recreation services). The "notwithstanding" language <br />clarifies that the public safety services described in proposed policy 1509 may be <br />delivered by a county service district. If the Metro Plan were amended, it would clarify <br />that the services proposed by the County then would be consistent with the Metro Plan. <br />The proposed public safety district policy does not affect compact urban growth or other <br />fundamental principles of the Metro Plan. <br /> <br />6. The services "including but not limited to", lists services that are provided by the <br /> cities. The list of services seems inconsistent with the rationale that the list of <br /> specific services is limited, but yet the services include those on the list but are not <br /> limited to those services. (Bettman) <br /> <br />For the most part the listed services in the proposedpolicy 1509 are provided by Lane <br />County pursuant to constitutional or statutory mandates. Further limiting the services to <br />those listed was offered in order to provide the elected officials the flexibili~, to <br />restructure the amendment, if necessary. The purpose of the amendment is to recognize <br />the public safety services are mainly provided by Lane County and clarify the cities are <br />not the only appropriate or logical provider of those types of services. <br /> <br />7. Some of the services are provided by an urban entity. If an urban entity funds <br /> services, is it not a provider of the service? (Bettman) <br /> <br />Providing some funding for services is not necessarily the same as providing the service. <br />Cities provide some funding for some of the described services but the bulk of funding <br />for, and the delivery of the contemplated services is provided by the County (District <br />Attorney prosecutorial function, youth and adult incarceration, parole & probation, <br />alcohol & drug treatment, and other youth and crime prevention services.) Services are <br />delivered directly through the County workforce or through contracts with some agencies <br />or non-profits. Under the Metro Plan the term "provider of service" is not clearly <br />described or very well defined. <br /> <br /> Page 2 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />