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<br /> regardi ng whether federal 1 aw woul d conti nue to allow jurisdictions to lend <br /> e their, tax-exempt status to qualified individuals, she said changes in federal <br /> legislation in 1983 and 1984 provided the opportunity for the City to develop <br /> its own program. She sai d the C; ty of Eugene program was model ed after the <br /> State of Oregon program. Ms. Smernoff then reviewed the policy document <br /> attached to the August 8, 1984, [DO memorandum to the City Council, highlighting <br /> the purpose, understandings, and eligible activites of the program. <br /> Councilor Holmer asked what advantage an investor would have in the industr;~ <br /> revenue bond beyond a lower rate of interest if the City was not responsible <br /> for the repayment of the loan. Wh i 1 e Counci lor Wooten responded that the <br /> investor woul d rece; ve a tax exempt status on the loan, Mr. Holmer sai d that <br /> exemption woul d be addressed in the market by the reduction in the interest <br /> rate paid on municipal bonds. Ms. Smernoff stated that any investor would be <br /> looki ng for a tax exempt investment. She sai d the bond purchaser and the <br /> appl icant woul d have to develop the chain of securiti es for the investment. <br /> She added that 50 percent of the bonds approved by the State were not sold on <br /> the market. Mr. Holmer asked if any consideration was given by the State or <br /> others to placing a restriction on the program to address any applicant <br /> getting an unfair economic advantage. Ms. Smernoff stated that neither <br /> State nor Federal 1 aws contai ned any requi rements or statements concerning <br /> competition between fi rms; she sai d the program was open to any qualified <br /> individual under the policy and administrative rules. In response to a <br /> question by Mr. Holmer, Ms. Smernoff stated that amending the Purpose statement <br /> to state "projects that fairly promote or develop" woul d not significantly <br /> change the intent of the policy document. She explained that it would leave <br /> to the di scret ion of the City Council the determi nation whether any unfai r <br /> e competition between firms existed. Councilor Wooten felt it would be a fine <br /> addition to the policy. She added that it was the intent of the CCED for the <br /> program to be used locally and as a tool for existing businesses as well as <br /> businesses wishing to relocate to Eugene. <br /> Res. No. 3873--A resolution approving and adopting the Industrial <br /> Development Bond Program for the Ci ty of Eugene. <br /> Ms. Wooten moved, seconded by Ms. Schue, to adopt the <br /> resol uti on. <br /> Mr. Hansen moved to amend the policy document to insert the word <br /> "fairly" in line two of the Purpose. <br /> Councilor Wooten said she agreed as long as it was understood that such <br /> wording did not imply any priority ranking or criteria not stated in the <br /> document. Councilor Obie, with the consent of the council, stated that the <br /> amendment was included in the main motion. <br /> Roll call vote; the motion carried unanimously, 7:0. <br /> e <br /> MINUTES--Eugene City Council August 8, 1984 Page 7 <br />