Introduction to Eugene's Residential Land Supply Study
<br />Eugene's Residential Land Supply Study includes five Parts. Parts I-IV are the steps that lead to Part V,
<br />which establishes Eugene's 20 -year supply of land for residential use. In Part I, "2012 Residential Land
<br />Supply," the City identifies the residential land supply that exists inside Eugene's urban growth boundary
<br />("UGB") in 2012.1 Part 11, "Housing Needs Analysis," determines whether the land identified in Part I is
<br />enough to accommodate Eugene's residential growth over a 20 -year planning period based on
<br />application of recent trends. Part III, "Other Uses on Residential Land (2012-2032)," determines the
<br />amount of additional residential land that will be needed during the 20 -year period due to other uses,
<br />such as public and semi-public uses, that are likely be located on residential land inside the UGB. It then
<br />determines whether the 2012 residential land supply can accommodate the projected demands on
<br />residential land for the next 20 years if Eugene continues to develop according to recent trends and
<br />existing codes and programs.
<br />In Part IV, "Measures to Increase Residential Development," the City explains the efficiency measures it
<br />has taken to increase its supply of residential land inside its UGB. Part V, "Residential Buildable Land
<br />Inventory (2032)," provides the city's 2012-2032 Buildable Land Inventory intended to serve Eugene's
<br />need for residential land through 2032, including the final land supply maps and density / capacity
<br />assumptions for the different categories of land on the supply maps.
<br />Acknowledgements and Appreciation
<br />The City of Eugene wishes to thank the many members of the community, staff and consultants that
<br />contributed to this work over the 2010-2016 period. This work is better because of your participation.
<br />Community Members
<br />Technical Resource Group members 2016: Shawn Boles, Rick Duncan, Ed McMahon, Mia Nelson,
<br />Brittany Quick -Warner, Sue Prichard, Joshua Skov, John Barofsky
<br />Technical Resource Group members 2013-2015: Shawn Boles, Rick Duncan, Ed McMahon, Mia Nelson,
<br />Brittany Quick -Warner, Sue Prichard, and Joshua Skov
<br />Technical Resource Group members 2010-2012: Shawn Boles, Rick Duncan, Erin Ellis, Roger Gray, Kevin
<br />Matthews, Ed McMahon, Mia Nelson, Gretchen Pierce, Laura Potter, Sue Prichard. Other participants
<br />included Joshua Skov, Barbara Mitchell, Randy Hledik, Bill Aspegren, George Grier, Dave Hauser, Jack
<br />Roberts, Rusty Rexius, Gary Wildish
<br />1 For purposes of this Study, the "Eugene UGB" is the portion of the former Eugene —Springfield regional UGB that
<br />lies west of Interstate 5. Springfield took action in 2011 to lawfully withdraw the land east of Interstate 5 from the,
<br />previously, regional UGB, as directed by ORS 197.304.
<br />Residential Land Supply Study I Final Introduction — page 2
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