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<br /> II. PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL YARDS <br /> e Marsha Miller, Planning and Development Department, reported on this issue. <br /> She said that on July 18, 1990, the council gave staff direction to prepare a <br /> code amendment that would reduce the amount of time that a recreational vehi- <br /> cle could be parked in a residential yard from the current code requirement <br /> of 48 hours to an amount of time that could be enforced more easily by staff, <br /> which was determined to be four hours. <br /> Ms. Miller stated that staff met with representatives from the City Attor- <br /> ney's Office on this issue and was informed that a reduction of the amount of <br /> time to anything greater than zero still creates staff enforcement demands <br /> and legal questions if the case goes to court. She explained that it would <br /> be necessary for a staff person to monitor the vehicle for four continuous <br /> hours or there may be questions raised about the vehicle being moved within <br /> that time period. Ms. Miller also noted that the City received a great deal <br /> of feedback from community members who were opposed to the proposed amend- <br /> ment. Staff is asking the council for direction on this issue. <br /> Mr. Rutan noted that Councilor Green brought this item before the council in <br /> response to community member concerns. He noted that part of the concern <br /> expressed within the community was that they were being saddled with the <br /> burden of enforcement. He felt that it would be in the City's interest to <br /> drop the issue. <br /> Ms. Ehrman noted that she was initially in support of pursuing this issue but <br /> e said that given the enormous amount of enforcement time which would be in- <br /> volved, she agrees with Mr. Rutan that the City should drop this issue. Mr. <br /> Boles concurred. <br /> Ms. Ehrman moved, seconded by Mr. Boles, to discontinue staff <br /> support for pursing code amendments regarding recreational <br /> vehicles. The motion carried unanimously, 5:0. <br /> Mayor Miller adjourned the meeting of the Eugene City Council at 12:10 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> ~~t.'7 <br /> ;;" v..., . .....,1 <br /> . , <br /> Micheal Gleason <br /> City Manager <br /> (Recorded by Traci Northman) <br /> mncc 101090 <br /> - MINUTES--Eugene City Council October 10, 1990 Page 4 <br />