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CC Minutes - 06/18/08 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 06/18/08 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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it was in the public’s interest to vacate the alleyway. She said if councilors felt that any contacts might be <br />considered ex parté, the remedy was to disclose them for the record before the hearing so the public could <br />respond to them. <br /> <br />Mr. Clark asked at what point the council needed to be concerned about discussing the arena. Ms. Jerome <br />said that occurred at the point at which the council became aware it would be making a decision on the <br />matter. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor asked if it would be evidence of bias to vote on the motion following Mr. Zelenka’s explanation <br />that it would help construction on the area occur sooner. Ms. Jerome said that would not be a problem; <br />councilors could vote to consider the matter without indicating a position in support or opposition. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman did not understand how councilors could participate in a discussion in a way that facilitated <br />moving forward with the arena since the arena was predicated on vacation of the alleyway. She asked if a <br />councilor could participate by stating they had revealed bias. <br /> <br />Ms. Jerome said she was not aware of the entire arena process, but would research that and provide <br />guidance. She saw no problem voting on the question of scheduling a public hearing and assisting citizens <br />and the applicant in their efforts to arrive at a mutually acceptable agreement; that did not reflect a bias. <br /> <br />The motion passed unanimously, 8:0. <br /> <br />A. ACTION: <br /> – An Ordinance Adding Sections 9.4770 Through 9.4790 <br />Water Quality Protected Waterways <br />to the Eugene Code, 1971 that Establish a Water Quality Overlay Zone; Amending Sections <br />9.0500, 9.1040, 9.7055, 9.7205, 9.7305, 9.7820, 9.8005, 9.8025, 9.8030, 9.8055, 9.8215, 9.8220, <br />9.8320, 9.8325, 9.8415, 9.8470, 9.8472, 9.8474, 9.8515, 9.8520, 9.8855, and 9.8865 of that <br />Code; Repealing Ordinance No. 20194 and Sections 6.650, 6.655, 6.660, 6.665, and 6.670 of <br />that Code; Adopting the Water Quality Waterways Map; Amending the Eugene Overlay Zone <br />Map; Adopting a Severability Clause; and Providing an Effective Date. <br /> <br /> <br />City Manager Jon Ruiz introduced Therese Walch, Public Works, to make the presentation. <br /> <br />Ms. Walch stated that three people had testified at a public hearing on May 19 and 23 and pieces of written <br />testimony had been received on the proposed Water Quality Protected Waterways. She said the agenda <br />packet contained the testimony, staff responses and recommended modifications to the ordinance based on <br />the testimony. She said the proposal originated with council-adopted policy in the form of the stormwater <br />management plan, which included direction to integrate the beneficial functions of waterways into the City’s <br />stormwater system, including adoption of setback protection measures. She said the Clean Water Act was <br />also a driver with respect to total maximum daily loads (TMDL). She said numerous management strategies <br />were already being employed by the stormwater program; the setback protections would fill gaps. <br /> <br />Ms. Walch used a map to illustrate that adopted Goal 5 protections already provided a considerable amount <br />of water quality benefit and there would be significant administrative difficulty in trying to apply setbacks in <br />addition to those existing through Goal 5. She said the current proposal would apply to 13.6 miles of <br />waterways instead of 90 miles to fill the gaps in water quality protection. She said the complexity of the <br />ordinance reflects staff’s efforts to balance protection of water quality with the ability of owners to utilize <br />their properties for their intended use. <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council June 18, 2008 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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