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<br />F~: <br />cars dontaining o~ly One or two persons, e~,:;:. And he thought an emergency <br />license fee might be introduced which would"'.discourage use of vehicles. <br />Mayor Anderson shared those concerns. He thought the definition of the word <br />"alert" was the key - that it did not mean 'an emergency existed, rather that <br />it was.. a warning to be prepared and ready to take action should dangerous air <br />pollution .levels be reached. The language of the proposed legislation, he <br />said, was too broad and indefinite, and lacked adequate definitions with regard <br />to the seriousness of an air pollution situation before certain actions should <br />take place. <br /> <br />Councilwoman Beal said her own feeling was that the bill "didn't have a prayer <br />of passing" because it was statewide regulation. It was her thought that the <br />amend~nt proposed would show Eugene's sympathy with the intent but at the <br />. same time would call attention to the source of the. pollution. She added that <br />air alerts should be taken more seriously with some kind of local enforcement <br />and curtailment of activities when they occurred. In response to Councilwoman <br />Shirey, Mrs. Beal explained that air pOllution terms were defined in Federal <br />EPA regulations and that measurements to determine when alerts were necessary <br />. were made by the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority. <br /> <br />Inresponse to Councilman Williams, Mrs. Seal explained that there were two <br />bases on which measurements determined alert or emergency situations - CO <br />levels and suspended particulants. The CO level was not as dangerous, she <br />said, as.a combination of other types of auto emissions and other .sources of <br />pollution, inClUding open burning. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Hamel to approve recommendations <br />of the LegiSlative Subcommittee except the recommendation on <br />H.B.3252. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />; Assistant Manager noted that Fred Dyer, director of Lane Transit District, <br />was testifying today (April 23) at a Legislature committee hearing regarding <br />mass transit funds and would be stating the city's support of the Governor's <br />proposal for use of general fund revenues. Letter from the city would follow. <br /> <br />C. Growth Study - Assistant Manager explained that the newly-drafted resolu- <br />tion, copies of which were previously distributed to Council members, was <br />the result of concerns expressed by Mayor Anderson about the scope of <br />the growth study as originally proppsed and his request for alternatives. <br />This proposal would take a more restrictive approach to the study. Also, <br />it wo~ld provide for increasing the MAPAC staff to look at tools developed <br />on growth studies that had worked in other communities co see which ones <br />would further the goals of the 1990 Plan and have applicability to this <br />metropolitan area. The proposal then would be put into form for considera- <br />tion by the several agencies in the m9tropolitan area. He said experience <br />has been in a study such as tha't originally proposed that a great deal of <br />data usually is gathered resulting in only one or two leg~sl.tive acts. <br />In this particular metroPolitan area, a number of actions have already <br />taken place that have made substantial headway.toward.grcMth contro.J:.., and <br />it is a question of what additional legislation needs to be enacted to <br />further the community goals and the 1990 Plan. Assistant '",;mager continued <br />that LCOG estimated $39,500 would cover -the type of study proposed by this <br />new resolut~n. However, he thought that GOuld be reduced to $35,000, <br />~ugene's share being about $15,000 to $20,000 and the balance borne by <br />other participating agencies. <br /> <br />Councilman,Murray sa~d the resolution dtstrtb~tedw~ the ~esult of joint <br />effort oE .the Hayor,o Council.woman Beai., iandohlmself , aiJd t:f1e three were <br />in agre~!uent on its content. He said 't~ Cou;r:2ciJoshould be aware that <br />. this resolution maintained the focus of :the study on tbe ~tropolitan <br />area and. 'that it, strongly timphasized. id@tification ofleg$.slative tech- <br />. niques so that there would 1?e.. somet1)ing }upon whichto..~ct when the <br />..... '.', ,....-.~ ~...~.--:.._.~.~; .~:"~~~.,. "~ ..,. <br /> <br />4/28/75 - &8 <br /> <br />2'2.'3 <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />',)'"'r <br /> <br />Comm <br />4/23/75 <br />Approve <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />e <br />