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<br />and he didn't know the potential for funding under that Act. He thought <br />the amount of land involved and potential for housing on it would. far ex- <br />ceed any amount of Federal money coming into Eugene even though the statutory <br />ability existed for accomplishing it. <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />Councilman Keller referred to the proposed ridge line park in the South <br />Hills and wondered whether staff had any opportunity to project costs in- <br />volved in operation and maintenance of that area. Also, what impact <br />operation of the Morse property as a park would have on the proposed <br />ridge lin~ park - whether both would be economically feasible. Assistant <br />Manager pointed out that the city now had acres of undeveloped park lands <br />where maintenance costs were substantially less than for developed areas. <br />He said the type of facility contemplated for the Morse property initially <br />wo~ld be a working farm rather than as a significant community center, <br />thereby minimizing operational costs for now. He said there was nothing <br />in the way of development projected for the ridge line park area at the <br />present time. Mr. Smith added that costs depended, upon the degree of <br />development. The parks department now is trying to determine various uses <br />for different areas of the ridge line park, but at this time no very ex- <br />pensive maintenance costs were anticipated except for the five areas <br />identified for developed park sites. He assumed those developed areas <br />would cost considerable to maintain, probably $2,000 per acre, and by the <br />time they were developed, he said, it could amount to $3,000 per acre. . <br />He was talking of developed areas - irrigated, drained, with playgrounds, <br />wading pools, etc. - but he didn't see that type of development occurring <br />in the South Hills for some time. Costs for maintaining the undeveloped <br />areas of the South Hills would vary according to the use, he said, and <br />certainly would not be as expensive as for highly developed park areas. <br /> <br />Councilman Haws liked the idea of developing the Morse property as park <br />land, yet he didn't want to sacrifice other areas in town which did not <br />have adequate parks. He was speaking specifically of wards he and <br />Councilman Hamel represented (Bethel and Willakenzie). He asked what <br />would happen to acquisi tion and development of park land in other parts <br />of town if the Morse property was acquired. Assistant Manager answered <br />that the Council should be aware of the maintenance costs which are in- <br />curred with acquisition of any land. He noted availability of $60,000 <br />allocated to the Crest Drive area from park bond authorization. The <br />Joint Parks Committee, he said, was now deliberating about whether to <br />present a bond measure for acquisition of park lands throughout the <br />entire community. But he cautioned about recent experience in passing <br />bond measures, the significant imEact on property tax rates, and the sub- <br />sequent debates at budget time when maintenance funds have to be provided. <br />On this particular pax'cel J Assistant Manager continued, acquisi tion cos.ts <br />and maintenance costs could be separated (because of the proposal in the <br />Legislature for state acquisition). He said planning resources were avail- <br />able, and development of a plan would dictate the expenditure level on <br />that park. He said the $100,000 estimate 'for potential impact was an <br />"outside figure" and would not be reached in the next few years. If use <br />of the property was continued in its present form, it could probably be <br />operated for about $35,000. More definite costs could not be given until <br />uses were determined. Councilman Haws said he understood acquisition <br />.was not the question here, but he thought if there were limited funds for <br />maintenance and several areas to be taken care of, some parts of the <br />city would suffer. <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Councilman Murray said that consideration of Joint Parks Committee <br />liberations was premature; but that that Committee was inclined to <br />a "city-wide" approach rather than just.a "South Hills" approach. <br /> <br />de- <br />take <br />However, <br /> <br />4/28/75 - 22 <br /> <br />'2:. 2;.7 <br />