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<br /> of the titpe required to refer to the Commission, submission of .information re- <br /> quired of the petitioners, etc., the policy decisions ,vi11 prob:'1bly have been <br /> made before the Commission recomn<endation on this request ,vdS n'tl1rw~d. He <br /> estimated the earliest time for Commission consideration ,>'ould hc} at its <br /> September meeting. Referrinq it now ~>'ould minimize the c].:elali U Iiio,. <br /> councilm~n ,Keller felt that under the "current ground rules" there was no ,yay a - <br /> good decLsLon could be reached unless it was referred. That would give the <br /> opportunity for a good decision based on new hearings. <br /> MI. Bradley moved seconded by Mrs. Shirey to postpone action until Comm <br /> the July 9 committee-of-the-whole meeting to give time for staff <br /> to distribute and Council members to review minutes of Council dis- 7/2/75 <br /> cussion when the petitioner last requested removing the application Affirm <br /> from the table (March 10, 1975). Motion carried, Council members <br /> Murray, Bradley, Haws, and Shirey voting aye; Council members Keller <br /> , . , <br /> WLllLams, and Hamel voting no; Councilwoman Beal ~bstaining. <br />Zone Change on area south of Kingsley Road between Goodpasture Island Road and <br />Willamette River - From County ACT to C-2 PD (Smith,Brown,Howell) (Z 72-51) <br />Discussion was continued from the July 2 committee-of-the-whole meeting under <br />suspended rules. <br />Assistant Manager reviewed possible alternative actions: Continue tabling, take <br />from the table and reach a decision based on the present record, of take from the <br />table and refer to the Planning Commission under current procedures. Staff recom- <br />mended referral to the Planning Commission. <br />Cou?1:::ilman f.!ur:rdY as;~c'd rd'.ether it ,,'ou1"1 be appropriate if th~ mattt-"Jr !:as r~fecred <br />to the Planning Commission to ask that its deliberations consider recommendations <br />and directions resulting from the Livingston & Blayney report. Stan Long, assistant <br />ci ty attorney, said the Council could express its intent and concern about any sub- - <br />ject at any time, there was no reason why it couldn't on this question, although <br />it might be well to set some parameters. <br /> Mr. Murray moved seconded by Mrs. Beal to refer the rezoning application <br /> to the Planning Commission with the additional comment that it is the Comm <br /> sense of the Council that the item be considered in the light of recom- 7/9/75 <br /> mendations of the Livingston & Blayney study and previous Commission Approve <br /> and Council actions regarding that study. <br />Councilman Keller suggested the Commission also be asked to prioritize the item be- <br />cause of the Commission's workload. Councilman Murray hoped the referral would be <br />handled as quickly as possible but it was not his idea that it should "bump" any <br />other item already on the Commission agenda. Assistant Manager noted that addi- <br />tional information would have to be submitted by the applicant in view of current <br />requirements. Even though it was appropriate to request speedy action in view of <br />the already long delay, there would as a matter of course be some time taken up <br />in getting .the required information, preparation of staff notes, etc. John Porter, <br />Dlanning director, added that the September Commission meeting would be the earliest <br />possible date the item could be considered. <br />Councilman Keller asked if the ci ty attorney was still of the opinion that referral <br />was the right thing to do, was it a just action. Stan Long answered that it was <br />the appropriate thing for the Council to do. <br />Laurence Thorp, attorney representing the applicants, said referral to the Commis- e <br />sion would result in another 90-day delay and he could see where it would perform <br />no useful purpose. He said facts surrounding this application had not substan- <br />tially changed since it was filed or since hearings were held. The only thing <br />that might have changed, he said, would be the attitudes of Commission and Council <br />members with regard to growth forms relating to this particular area. He ci ted <br />7/16/75 - 12 ~~S <br />