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<br /> Art Fairchild, chairman of the Room Tax Allocation Commi ttee, said the mai:; problem <br /> confronted by the Commi ttee in allocating funds was lack of clearly defini L ve <br /> guidelines to determine ,::iigibility. He said many of those appl',..-; for funds <br /> e haggle over whether they are eligible to the point that it becomes ~ political issue _ <br /> if the Committee rejects applications.on the basis of ineligibi!.fty then applicants <br /> take their case to the Council. <br /> Mayor Anderson thought Councj~man Murray's suggestion for an;lual a.~ocations based <br /> on a given amount of realized C' Ulticipated was the be~'- wa!-' of handling <br /> room tax monies. Applications could then be given priority ratings and those that <br /> were questionable or "borderline" would probably be eliminated. He favored budget- <br /> ing a given amount with no contingency allocations at all to avoid the impression <br /> of an "ever flowing" fund where monel; was always available. <br /> Mr. Fairchild noted the number of applications now on file for allocations of $125,000. <br /> He wondered what would happen when news items identified certain programs which were <br /> receiving money. Other similar programs would then apply, ~e said. Councilman Keller <br /> assumed there would be some sort of reserve fund for new programs or those applying <br /> for addit~onal funds. The Mayor suggested a budget based On anticipated revenues <br /> or realized revenues, then the Room Tax Committee would cons~der all applications <br /> at one time and allocate the money according to eligibil~ Hr. Keller was under <br /> the impression all applications were referred to the attorn~~ s office for verifica- <br /> tion, but Assistant Manager said only those considered questionable were referred <br /> by staff. <br /> Councilman Keller expressed concern about an annual allocation, that it might shut <br /> out some new programs, or priorities could change. Mayor Anderson replied that <br /> the social services groups were handled on an annual basis and there seemed to be <br /> no reason these cultural, tourist oriented activities couldn't be handled the same <br /> way. Councilman Williams said the social services involved continual year-round <br /> funding whereas a substantial number of the activities funded by the room tax were <br /> e never intended to be continuing operations. He strongly supported the priorities <br /> concept. <br /> Jean VanBuskirk, 333 Riverview Drive, Junction City, noted the diffiCUlty in obtain- <br /> ing funds on a once-a-year allocation basis when getting those. funds was contingent <br /> upon rece~t of funds from other sources. She said she was ~rking with a bicen- <br /> tennial theatre group which was trying to get funds from the Oregon Arts Commission <br /> and it would be difficult to get together all the money they needed at one time. <br /> , <br /> Dain Connor, manager of the New Oregon Motel and speaking for the Motel Association, <br /> wanted to know if the room tax funds were going to be put into the general fund or <br /> if they would still be allocated only to cultural, convention, or tourist related <br /> activities. Also, he felt the motel industry did not have enough representation <br /> on the Roow Tax Committee, that there should be one more person from the industry <br /> on that body. Mayor Anderson ndted that there were only five members on the Room <br /> Tax Committee, that there were five distinct groups to be represented. His ap- <br /> pointments, he said, were made with the idea of .maintaining a balance and at the <br /> same time representing the hotel/motel industry. He added that placing any of the <br /> revenues from room tax funds into the general fund would require a charter amendment <br /> since those funds were earmarked for cultural, convention, tourist related activities <br /> by charter amendment. Assistant Manager said the idea that room tax funds would be <br /> placed in the general fund probably originated from discussion during the budget <br /> process when the ci t Y was faced wi th having to cut services. He said there was <br /> about a 5% layoff of employes, however none of the room tax funds were used in the <br /> budget process, the Council is continuing to follow the charter provision. <br /> Councilman Haws asked whether a room tax allocation budget would be submitted to the <br /> Council and whether there could be a reserve fund. He also wondered what would <br /> e happen to E~nds that were not allocated under that procedure. The Mayor said any <br /> budget prepaz cd would be submi tted to the Counci 1, the main point would be that <br /> there would be a certain amount of money to be allocated and applications would <br /> be given priority for that amount of money. Any funds not allocated would be placed <br /> into a general account drawing interest for the city. The question of whether the <br /> budget would be prepared on a cash or accrual basis llIOuld have to be decided. <br /> , <br /> 4-23 7/28/75 - 5 <br />