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<br /> K. Council Minutes - March 24, 1975 as circulated Approve <br /> - L. Screening Parking Facilities - Councilman. Murray noeed the mention of insuffi- <br /> cient screening of parking facilities in the recent discussion of bike lanes <br /> on Pearl and High Streets. He asked that the subject be a matter of discussion Comm <br /> . at some future committee meeting since he =elt parking areas should be screened 7/16/75 <br /> and that it would become more of an issue. Affirm <br /> M.cross Case ~ Assistant Manager informed the Council that an appeal was filed by <br /> the private sector from the court order for removal of the Cross from Skinner <br /> Butte. However, he suggested reconsideration of the July 14 Council action <br /> which would preclude anyone else from filing an appeal should the present ap- <br /> pellants withdraw after the deadline, which they have the ability to do. <br /> Councilman Hamel asked about the city's responsibility with regard to the <br /> estimated $2500 cost for taking the Cross down. Assistant Manager answered that <br /> the costs would be levied against the city since it was under court order to <br /> remove the Cross. <br /> On questioning from Councilwoman Shirey, Assistant Manager explained that the city <br /> still had time to file an appeal. However, if the present appellant wi thdraws, <br /> the city has only until July 22 to file. <br /> Councilwoman Bea1 thought there would be a public relations problem in discussing <br /> the issue at this time without any public notice, especially since a decision <br /> had been made at the July 14 Council meeting. Mayor Anderson didn't think there <br /> was any critical change, that it was more a matter of procedure to follow so far <br /> as filing an appeal. He said the record so far had shown the Council indicated <br /> a willingness to go ahead and file an appeal. HOIo' that would be done would not <br /> require extensive public hearing. Mr. Keller hoped for discussion of the Monday <br /> e action in light of the filing of the appeal by others, saying it seemed a logical <br /> assumption, or at least the intent of his motion at that time was not to oppose <br /> the city's filing an appeal. <br /> Ma~c~ ~nierson ruled further discussion out of order. <br /> Councilman Haws said his understanding of Monday night action was for the ci~y Comm <br /> to file if <omeone else did not. He assumed that if someone else had filed 7/16/75 <br /> the city wa.<- back in the same position before the Monday action was taken. Affirm <br /> The Mayor ruled that the only action would have to be a motion ":0 reconsider No action <br /> the dec~sion ~nd if that was defeated the decision would stand - meaning nothing <br /> would be dore. <br /> Mr. Keller moved second. by Mr. Williams to reconsider the issue at <br /> the conclusion of the agenda for the adjourned Council meeti.PJg this <br /> evening (July 16, 1975). Motion defeated, Council members Keller, <br /> Williams, and Hamel voting aye; Council members Murray, Beal, Br~dley, <br /> Heols, and Shirey voting no. <br /> N. ~il for Overtime Parking - Council was asked to authorize change in fine for vio1a- <br /> t~ons o~ meter ~nd overtime parking fr~ $1.00 to $2.00 with the provision that <br /> that amount ~ Qoub~ed if not paid within the required five days ($4.00). Assistant <br /> Manager explaJned tnat the current $1.00 fine because of the general inflationary <br /> trend no longer had a deterrent effect. Also, enforcement costs were rising. <br /> Counci~man Williams said he thought the overtime parking fine was one of the most <br /> offens~ve. and co':nterproductive charges the city could levy. He said people were <br /> e ~und t~"2 d. cvuz:a~ed from going downtown if :there was any possibility of receiv- <br /> ~ng a fu;e f0L' arr~v~ng at their car five minutes after the parking time expired. <br /> He asked what ~h~ charge was for a1l-d~y parking on city lots, how the ;:eceipts of <br /> the metere~ parkLng program compared w~th cost. ~( operating it, how many people <br /> ~ere ele:t~ng :c .pay the overtime parking fee rather than purchasing a monthly park- <br /> ~ng pernut. A;s~stant Manager answered that the monthly parking permits on city <br /> 42~7 7/28/75 - 9 <br />