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<br /> I <br /> J A ent Panel, Hearing, August 4, 1975 - No ~vritten objectiof1s and no requests <br /> . ssessm d . d Recommendation was to levy assessmt'l,t,,'; as proposed <br /> to be hear were rece~ve . <br /> on C.B.9l6 (project 74-04) and 917 (Project 74-16). Corom <br /> It was understood th~ council bills would be pres~nted f~r 8/6/75 <br /> Affirm e <br /> second reading and passage at the August 11 Cou,nc~1 meeLu'1. <br /> K. Invitation Clara Nasholm Retirement tea was received from the Eugene Library <br /> Board - hO~oring Miss Nasho1m upon completion of 40 years of servi~e with.the Comm <br /> Library - July 31, 1975, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Library, w~th ret~rement <br /> ceremony beginning shorly after 4:00 o'clock. The Board ha~ also e~tab~ished a 7/30/75 <br /> book fund in her honor, those wishing to participate may ma~l contr~but~ons to File <br /> Mrs. Charles Larson, Board member, or Alice Rutter in the manager's office. <br /> L. Breakdown of Election Results, June 17 Budget Election - A t Councilman Haws" re- Corom <br /> quest, it was understood a breakdown of election results by wards in the June 17 7/30/75 <br /> budget election would be provided to Council members. File <br /> M. Article "Free Parking in Downtown? You're kidding!" written by Al Williams, Corom <br /> Eugene's traffic engineer, and appearing in the June 1975 issue of Traffic 7/30/75 <br /> Engineering was mentioned by Councilman Haws. He complimented Mr. Williams on File <br /> the fine article, saying it was nice to see the city employing "real professionals. " <br /> He noted that several articles written by the new city manager, Charles Henry, <br /> had appeared in n~tional publications. <br /> N.Goodpasture Island/Eugene Commercial Study - Letter dated July 14, 1975 from Richard <br /> W. Cleveland requested Council action on seven items listed therein. <br /> Item 1 in the letter requested postponement of public hearing scheduled July 28 on the <br /> Livingston & Blayney recommendation with regard to General Plan amendment relating e <br /> to the Goodpasture Island area. The Counci~ at its July 14 meeting did postpone that <br /> public hearing to August 25, 1975. At its July 28 meeting, the Council at the re- <br /> quest of Ellis Jones, one of the Goodpasture Island citizens ,represented by Mr.Cleve- <br /> land, consented to the group's request for action on the other six items to the <br /> extenl:: .' <br /> that it would listen to staff presentation tvith regard to the requests made. <br /> CO~L'1ci.I at t hi [; 2~..~'eer1 to scqre~/a.tD th2 _it(~Ji?8 for d-j.3'-:"l:~'s.J:on ~ ~ <br /> Item 2 of the letter requ~sted that intccesterl parties in r.;1-:3 publ.ic h2,-,r.i.:Jg be 1-'9- <br /> 1ieved of all requirements not made of parties in similar proceedings. Nanager ex- <br /> plained that there was no set practice for submission of written material by citizens <br /> in issues under consideration by the Council. It is often the practice of the city <br /> to reproduce such material, generally amounting to only a few pages, for distribution <br /> to the Council. However, the Goodpasture Island issue has developed many exhibits, <br /> and there were 129 pages with this July 14 request alone. Because of this voluminous <br /> packet, staff felt the petitioners rather than the general public should bear the cost <br /> of reproduction and, suggested that petitioners file 25 copies if the material exceeded <br /> four pages. <br /> Councilman Haws wondered about the policy with regard to setting the number of pages <br /> of material that would be copied for distribution to the Council. Assistant Manager <br /> answered that there was no written policy, it was a subjective judgment situation. <br /> Sometimes correspondence is merely passed to Council members, other times where an <br /> issue is of particular significance Council members will be advised of its contents. <br /> Major documents, such as this one of 129 pages, have not been reproduced - Council <br /> members are merely told of its presence and invited to look at it if they wish. So -- <br /> it was a matter both of judgment as to content, he said, and importance of the issue. <br /> Mr. Haws wanted to be sure the petitioners in this instance were being treated the <br /> same as others bringing material to the Council. He acknowledged that: limit:ation on <br /> 8/11/75 - 22 4-59 <br />