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<br /> a meeting. His concern on the issue regards whether Council is delegating <br /> purchase negotiations to an advisory committee. Also, though Council was <br /> to make the decision on acquisition, he was told Council could not receive <br /> informution on other possible uses of the property or other interested <br /> e purchasers. <br /> Manager pointed out that the Palace Hotel was not to be purchased by the City <br /> but rather the purchase subsidized. He added staff would check on whether <br /> all executive session was held. <br /> Mr. Bradley went on to voice his concerns about a possible precedent being <br /> set, since the Joint Housing Committee will be involved in land <br /> acquisition in the future with community development funds. <br /> Mr. Anderson felt there was no need for concern, since the Palace Hotel <br /> project was more of a grant than a full purchase with negotiations by the <br /> City. <br /> Mr. Murray agreed that no procedure was violated but felt Mr. Bradley <br /> raised an important question and would also like some clarification as to <br /> procedures for future negotiations. <br /> Mr, Williams, as a member of the Joint Housing Committee, explained it was <br /> Ilis understanding that committee was given authority to disburse the <br /> a.Z1otted housing grant funds. He feels that not granting any agency of <br /> the ci ty the power to negotiate on the city's behalf would .involve substantial <br /> ramifications in terms of ability to function. <br /> W. State Regulations on Rabies Immunization - Mrs,' Shirey has learned the State <br /> has regulated that a rabies vaccination for dogs must be current for the Comm <br /> entire term of a dog license. It would mean that a dog license would be 12/10/75 <br /> File <br /> e issued only if a rab,ies vaccination was obtained at the same time. It would <br /> also interfere with the timetable set for gi ving puppy slJOts. Mrs. Shirey <br /> thought the wording would best read that a rabies vaccination certificate <br /> be current at the time a license is obtained. Manager stated the question <br /> could be explored with the appropriate constituency. <br /> X. Citizen Participation Program Report - Mr. Murray requested a status report <br /> on the citizen participation program currently underway. Manager said quite <br /> a few applications to fill upconJing vacancies on various boards and Comm <br /> commissions have come in to the Manager's office to date and are being held 12/10/75 <br /> in a central file until the filing deadline December 31. Randi Reinhard, File <br /> Planning, noted she has distributed some application lJlanks to neighborhood <br /> groups indicating an interest to her. <br /> Y. Assessment Deferral Program - Mr. Haws referred to Section 7.190 of the City <br /> Code which puts a $7,000 ceiling on income to qualify for extension of Comm <br /> assessment payments. He thinks that limit may be too low since it does not 12/10/75 <br /> provide for inflation; it also does not take into consideration deductions File <br /> for large medical expenditures, etci and perhaps, too, the limit should be <br /> based on the net income rather thap the gross figure. He has discussed the <br /> matter with staff and would like a report back on the possibility of making <br /> some changes in the ordinance. <br /> Z. Eugene-Springfield "Mutual" Meeting - Mr. Bradley wondered if a meeting was <br /> still to be scheduled between the Councils of Eugene and Springfield to discuss <br /> working relatiollships and items of mutual interest. Manager responded a meeting <br /> has been held at the staff level and Mayor Anderson has met with Mayor Freeman Comm <br /> . of Springfield as well. They decided at that time that perhaps any 12/10/75 <br /> further meetings at this point would not be too fruitful. Additionally, File <br /> a report covering touchy issues discussed at the staff level has previously <br /> been distributed to Council. <br /> 12/22/75 - 13 <br /> ~~fo <br />