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<br /> . <br /> Mr. Williams asked what kinds of things had been done to achieve e <br /> these savings. Mr. Page replied there had been a decrease in <br /> lighting and a cut-back on the hours of operation of the venti- <br /> lating and heating systems, and lowered temperatures in the <br /> buildings. Also, the fountains in the Mall had been turned off. <br /> Ms. Smith asked if there were any anticipated further cutbacks, <br /> to which Mr. Page replied there were none expected but that the <br /> ones being used would be fine-tuned for further savings. Ms. <br /> Smith commended staff on the good work that had been done, say- <br /> 'ing she felt the City was setting an example for the citizens in <br /> the community in energy conservation. <br /> Mr. Hamel questioned about the temperature comparisons for the <br /> months of April 1976 and 1977, saying he had heard a recent re- <br /> port by EWEB that the temperature had been warmer in 1977. Mr. <br /> Page said it was his understanding there had been a reduction of <br /> about 10 percent in the City and it was difficult to give an <br /> exact answer as to how much the reduction was attributable to <br /> warmer weather. He said further discussions were continuing with <br /> EWEB in regard to decreased street lighting. Problems which <br /> were being encountered were the public's perception of safety <br /> in regard to street lighting and a cost factor whereby the City <br /> would still be paying ^n percent of what it is paying now be- <br /> cause of the poles and services. <br /> Assistant Manager noted the reduction in street lighting in e <br /> other cities had resulted in fixtures being corroded when turned <br /> back on, thereby resulting in increased expenditures for replac- <br /> ing the entire fixtures. He said the issue of determining <br /> whether or not to reduce street lighting was a very complex one. <br /> Mr. Lieuallen questioned whether the thermostats on water had <br /> been turned down. Mr. Page replied three years ago the tempera- <br /> tures had been reduced from 1400 to 1200. <br /> Mayor Keller noted the historical significance of the City of <br /> Eugene having had energy conservation for quite some time and <br /> yet still finding areas in which more could be accomplished. <br /> He commended City staff on efforts being made for conservation <br /> and asked that a letter be sent to the Governor conveying the <br /> results to him. He said it was important the Governor know <br /> that the City does believe in and is able to accomplish energy <br /> conservation, and that the citizens and the community be shown <br /> that the City is trying to lead the way. He said with coopera- <br /> tive efforts between the City and EWEB, the citizens could be <br /> shown that drastic reductions could be made in the months <br /> ahead. <br /> Com 5/25/77 ~TrI. Ordinance and Council By-Law amendments to convert Committee- <br /> File of-the Whole meetings to Cou~cil meeting status--Ordinance and <br /> amendment distributed to Council. Stan Long, City Attorney's e <br /> office, explained the two documents. He said the first was a <br /> draft ordinance which makes the code change for converting <br /> ~~\ <br /> 6/13/77--22 <br />