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<br /> . I <br /> . , <br /> Mr. Delay recognized that every ordinance has a potential for abuse, <br /> but he felt this one was right on the brink of constitutionali~y. He <br /> said his concern was not for the existing staff but for the gray area e <br /> that is clearly not constitutional. He questioned City Attorney whether <br /> some mechanism could be inserted that would allow for review procedures <br /> without jeopardizing Police Department's actions. City Attorney replied <br /> that would be possible, but would involve building into the ordinance <br /> some delineations of the process that should be followed. Mr. Delay <br /> then recommended Council vote against the proposed ordinance to allow <br /> more exploration of those possibilities. <br /> . Mr. Obie moved, seconded by Mr. Hamel, to cease debate. <br /> "'1... Motion failed with Haws, Lieuallen, Bradley, and Delay <br /> voting no; Hamel, Williams, Obie, and Smith voting aye. <br /> Mr. Bradley moved that Section 2 of the proposed ordinance <br /> be deleted and referred to staff for a more workable language. <br /> , Motion died for lack of a second. <br /> Roll call vote was taken on the main motion with Smith, Hamel, <br /> Williams and Obie voting aye; Lieuallen, Bradley, Haws, and Delay <br /> voting no; Mayor Keller voting aye to break t~e tie, the bill was <br /> declared passed and numbered 18069. <br /> III. Ordinances for First Reading--None <br />III-B-7 IV. Resolutions <br /> Res. No. 2782--Authorizing payment of bills and claims for period October e <br /> 10 through October 24, 1977, was read by number and title. <br /> Mr. Haws moved, seconded by Mr. Hamel, to adopt the resolution. <br /> Roll call vote. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Res. No. 2783--Authorizing $10,000 from operating contingencies for <br /> City government opinion survey was read by number and <br /> ti tl e only. <br /> Mr. Haws moved, seconded by Mr. Hamel, to adopt the r~solution. <br /> ,Roll call vote. Motion carried unanimously. ! <br /> V. Approval of minutes. <br /> Mr. Haws moved, seconded by Mr. Hamel, to approve Council minutes <br /> September 26 and October 10, 1977. Roll call vote. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Upon motion duly made, seconded, and passed, the meeting was adjourned to <br /> O~77~ <br /> Charles T. Henry!- <br /> City Manager .. <br /> CTH:DT:jm/CM7a1 . <br /> 10/24/77--12 <br /> 80Y <br />