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10/24/1977 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
Historic Minutes
10/24/1977 Meeting
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7/23/2007 10:45:26 PM
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11/2/2006 5:25:06 PM
City Council Minutes
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<br /> become involved with one another on a sexual basis, that's recruitment <br /> and he believed it was there. In regard to the schools, he expressed <br />e concern for the gay youth groups and felt passage of the motion <br /> would promulgate that type of activity. He preferred to have the <br /> motion passed with Mr. Williams' amendment attached. <br /> Mr. Lieuallen said if Mr. Williams' amendment were added, he would <br /> vote against. He felt discussion was centered around the stage where <br /> schools would fire suspects who engaged in a life style other than <br /> that accepted by the majority. He said Council was discussing a <br /> minority behavior, and felt the proposed amendment to the motion <br /> was motivated more by fear than facts that could be proven. He said <br /> there were many reasons why people choose their sexual orientation and <br /> he did not feel a case could be made that it happens between just <br /> the ages of 12 and 15. He felt it would undermine the process <br /> to make any exceptions, and the proposed amendment to the Human Rights <br /> Ordinance would move in a direction of protecting citizens~ human <br /> rights which are already set forth in the constitution. He noted a <br /> difference between status and conduct, saying if an exception were <br /> made, it would be discrimination on the basis of status and not on <br /> unlawful actions. <br /> Mr. Bradley felt Mr. Williams' amendment would make the ordinance <br /> so broad that there would be no control; that it would be experimenting <br /> with the rights of people. He would vote against Mr. Williams amendment. <br /> Ms. Smith felt the basic issue was to eliminate discrimination, <br /> and to except one group would be to continue discrimination. <br />e Vote was taken on Mr. Williams' amendment which failed with <br /> Obie and Williams voting aye; Haws, Hamel, Bradley, Delay, <br /> Lieuallen, and Smith voting no. <br /> Vote was taken on the main motion which passed with Delay, Haws, <br /> Bradley, Lieuallen, and Smith voting aye; Obie, Williams, and <br /> Hamel voting no. Lacking unanimous consent, the second reading <br /> will be held to November 28 meeting. <br />III-B-4 D. Public Works Bids and Awarding of Contract--Opened October 18, 1977 <br /> (Tabulation attached) <br /> Manager said the bid was for airport paving and storm sew~r, Phase <br /> I of the FAA 90-percent financed improvements. The City cost would <br /> be $21,560.75, with the low bid from Morse Bros. being $215,607.50. <br /> Staff recommended awarding to low bidder. <br /> Mr. Haws moved, seconded by Mr. Hamel, to accept low bid as <br /> recommended by staff. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Haws <br /> abstaining. <br />e 10/24/77--9 <br /> 801 <br />
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