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<br />Vote was taken on the motion, which failed, with Councilors Smith <br />and Schue voting aye; Haws, Delay, Miller, and Lieual1en voting <br />no. <br /> <br />Mr. Haws moved, seconded by Mr. Delay, to oppose SJR 7. Vote was <br />taken on the motion, which carried, with Haws, Delay, Lieual1en, <br />and Miller voting aye; Smith and Schue voting no. <br /> <br />HB 2344 would establish defenses for teachers sued for failure to <br />educate students in classes with disadvantaged or handicapped pupils. <br />Manager noted there was a 2:1 vote to oppose, with Mr. Haws supporting <br />the bill. He said Council could oppose the bill and allow the Handi- <br />capped Commission to make its own statement. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Ms. Smith moved, seconded by Mr. Lieuallen, to oppose HB 2344. <br /> <br />Mr. Haws said because he supported the bill,did not mean he opposed <br />education for the handicapped. He understood the bill was not whether <br />or not handicapped people should be educated. He felt that if there <br />was a problem with a handicapped person getting correct education, <br />that person should sue the school district only and not the teacher. <br /> <br />Mr. Delay was against the motion. He felt the City should not take a <br />position, but allow the Handicapped Commission to draft its own state- <br />ment, as they were in a better position to assess the bill. Ms. <br />Miller did not understand the grounds for suit. She said it seemed to <br />be most peculiar that a bill is establishing defense against types of <br />suit that do not seem to be in existence. <br /> <br />Vote was taken on the motion, which carried with all Councilors ~ <br />present voting aye, except Delay and Haws voting no. <br /> <br />Mr. Delay moved, seconded by Ms. Smith, to approve Legislative <br />Subcommittee minutes February 22, 1979, as amended by the above <br />action. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />III. Lane Economic Improvement Commission--Draft resolution distributed. <br /> <br />Manager said the request came from L-COG, requesting the City to reaffirm <br />its support of the Lane EIC. <br /> <br />Res. No. 3085--Endorsing the Lane County Economic Improvement Commission <br />and approving Eugene's membership, was read by number <br />and title. <br /> <br />Mr. Delay moved, seconded by Ms. Smith, to adopt the resolution. <br /> <br />Mr. Haws would feel more comfortable if the resolution stated endorsement <br />until June 30, 1979. At that time the City would have to commit some <br />funds. <br /> <br />Mr. Delay, with consent of the second, included in the motion that <br />the endorsement would be in effect until June 30, 1979. <br /> <br />2/28/79--4 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />12b <br />