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Mr. Kelly said in the context of the whole plan these issues were minor, but he was feeling that the time for <br />the council to comment on the issue was at this meeting. He indicated he would vote against the plan. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman opposed the main motion, though she acknowledged that there was a lot in the plan that was <br />very valuable in terms of data and the trends analysis. She thought the intent of utilizing federal money to <br />alleviate homelessness and poverty "was great." She did not think the plan had received adequate scrutiny <br />from the council given the budgetary authority and the changes to policy it invoked. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman predicted that CDBG funding would now be used to pave streets and alleys. She alleged that <br />an "industry lobbyist" sat on the HPB and opined this was inappropriate. She averred that Roxie Cuellar, <br />who represented the Lane County Home Builders Association, had talked about development standards <br />playing a large role in the cost of a housing project, whether it was an affordable housing project or one for <br />the private market. She suggested that Ms. Cuellar was lobbying to have the HPB identify the pre- <br />application issues and raise those issues with staff, particularly those that could reduce costs. She thought <br />Ms. Cuellar was "advocating for the industry using the leverage of the HPB." She felt the Consolidated <br />Plan laid the groundwork for the predetermination and prejudicing of land use issues and because it was <br />brought up through the Consent Calendar this would escape the scrutiny of the council. <br /> <br /> The vote on the main motion was a tie; 4:4; Ms. Solomon, Mr. Pryor, Mr. <br /> Pap~, and Mr. Poling voting to approve and Ms. Taylor, Ms. Bettman, Ms. <br /> Ortiz, and Mr. Kelly voting in opposition. Mayor Piercy voted to approve <br /> the Consolidated Plan as amended and the motion passed. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor requested that a work session be held on the Consolidated Plan when it next came up for <br />approval. <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy asked councilors to make a concerted effort to see what was coming up and to "get out in <br />front of it." She averred that if an issue was something that needed greater consideration, bringing it up in <br />advance would allow time to give it the appropriate amount of attention. <br /> <br />B. WORK SESSION: <br /> An Ordinance Concerning Standards for Police Uniforms; Adding Section 2.665 to the Eugene <br /> Code, 1971; and Providing for an Effective Date <br /> <br />City Manager Taylor stated that the Police Commission had brought this issue forward. He presented <br />Police Commission member John Brown to the council to speak on it. <br /> <br />Mr. Brown called the item "proactive and preemptive," rather than responsive. He said the commission <br />observed some events in the community that supported passage of this particular ordinance. He cited a <br />complaint filed with the Eugene Police Department (EPD) that an officer had been witnessed sleeping under <br />a tree, but that officer had, in fact, been a security officer for a shopping facility. He related that he <br />participated in numerous police "ride-alongs" and had witnessed arrests in the University of Oregon (UO) <br />campus area involving both EPD officers and the University's Department of Public Safety (UO-DPS) <br />officers. Feedback from those arrests, he related, indicated a public opinion that too many EPD officers <br />responded to such arrests and that it was "overkill" when, in fact, there were both EPD and UO-DPS <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council May 11, 2005 Page 4 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />