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The following proposed waivers or modification of regulations are made upon <br /> <br />the conditionthat a new dwelling unit may be constructed only on the portion of <br />the lot within 60 feet of the front lot line. <br /> <br />1. EC 9.3065(3)(a)1.c. <br /> Modify to allow more than the maximum three <br /> dwelling units permitted by the regulation as follows: <br />Allow the EXISTING four dwelling units and ONE additional detached <br />dwelling unit. <br /> <br />2. EC 9.3065(3)(j). <br /> Modify to allow total vehicle use area to exceed 20 <br />percent of the lot area, as follows: <br />Allow the EXISTING 1,820 square feet of vehicle use area that provides access <br />and parking for the existing four dwelling units and ONE additional driveway to <br />serve the additional, detached dwelling unit. The additional driveway must <br />comply with EC 9.3065(3)(f) Driveway Standards, and the total vehicle use area <br />on the subject lot must not exceed 2,435 square feet total. <br /> <br />3. EC 9.3065(3)(b) through (j). <br /> No modifications permitted for the new <br /> <br /> dwelling unit, as follows: <br /> Except as otherwise stated in this agreement, all development within 60 feet of <br />the front lot line must comply with all other Chambers Special Area Zone <br />development standards for the S-C/R-2 subarea, including those in EC <br />9.3065(3)(b) through (j). (An approved adjustment to a standard constitutes <br />compliance with the standard.) <br /> <br />4. EC 9.5500 (1)-(14) Multiple Family Standards. <br /> <br /> <br />Proposed waiver of all standards, as follows: <br /> Development entirely within 60 feet of the front lot line of the subject lot shall <br />not be subject to these standards. <br /> <br /> 5. EC 9.6100-9.6110 Bicycle Parking Standards. <br />Not waived or <br /> modified. <br /> These standards should not be waived as they have been in effect since 1993, <br />prior to acquisition of the property by the current owner. <br /> <br />Because the City Manager is recommending that the Council grant a waiver, and the code <br />requires a public hearing before the Council could decide whether to grant a waiver, this <br />claim has been scheduled for a public hearing on November 20. For that meeting, the <br />City Manager anticipates having (and including as an attachment to the AIS) the <br />agreement signed by neighbors, the claimant and the neighborhood association. <br /> 5 <br />