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<br />still consistent with the purposes of the S-C Chambers Special Area Zone and actually makes the <br />streetscape after the additional development more compatible with the neighborhood. That <br />Agreement is consistent with the waiver granted herein. <br />D. <br /> Considering the City Manager’s recommendation and conclusion as to the validity <br />of the claim, the lack of City funds with which to pay compensation to Ms. Bush, and the <br />agreement negotiated between Ms. Bush, abutting neighbors, and the affected neighborhood <br />association, the City Council finds the public interest will be best served by waiving or <br />modifying portions of EC 9.3050 through 9.3065 as hereinafter set forth. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, <br /> BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EUGENE, a <br />Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows: <br /> Section 1. <br /> Based on the above findings, which are adopted herein, and the analysis <br />contained in the Report and Recommendation of the City Manager, the City Council hereby <br />waives or modifies the following land use regulations contained in the Eugene Code, 1971, for <br />th <br />the property owned by Judith M. Bush located at 1333 West 10 Avenue, Eugene, Oregon, <br />Assessor’s Map 17-04-36-13, Tax Lot 12100: <br /> Authorized modifications to Chambers Special Area Zone Development Standards <br />Applicable in S-C/R-2 Subarea: <br /> <br />The following waivers or modification of regulations are made upon the conditionthat <br />a new dwelling unit may be constructed only on the portion of the lot within 60 feet of <br />the front lot line. <br />1. EC 9.3065(3)(a)1.c. <br /> Modify to allow more than the maximum three <br /> dwelling units permitted by the regulation as follows: <br />Allow the EXISTING four dwelling units and ONE additional detached <br />dwelling unit. <br /> <br />2. EC 9.3065(3)(j). <br /> Modify to allow total vehicle use area to exceed 20 percent of <br />the lot area, as follows: <br /> <br />Resolution - 2 <br /> <br />