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<br />EXHIBIT A <br />Attachment A <br /> <br />Staff Findings <br />(Revised October 16, 2006) <br /> <br />Oregon State Motor Pool Site (MA 06-2, Z 06-9) <br /> <br />Metro Plan Diae:ram Amendments <br /> <br />The proposed amendment would change the current Metro Plan land use designation of High Density <br />Residential/ Mixed UselNodal Development to CommerciallNodal Development. The High Density <br />Residential designation is intended for multi-unit developments of typically over 20 units per acre. <br />The Mixed Use designation is typically applied within a designated Special Area Plan, however, the <br />subject parcel is not located within a Special Area. There is no corresponding zoning that implements <br />this designation. The Nodal Development designation has been applied to all the downtown area to <br />recognize Eugene's central business district as a mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly center, pursuant to <br />OAR 660-012-0060(7). <br /> <br />Eugene Code Section 9.7730(3) requires that the following criteria be applied to a Metro Plan diagram <br />amendment: <br />(a) The amendment must be consistent with the relevant Statewide Planning Goals adopted by <br />the Land Conservation and Development Commission; and <br />(b) Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. <br /> <br />As discussed below, after review of additional materials submitted by the applicant, staff finds that the <br />Metro Plan diagram amendment criteria in both EC 9.7730(3)(a) and (b)are satisfied by the proposal. <br />Staff findings relative to the amendment criteria in EC 9.7730(3) (with criteria in bold italics) are <br />presented below. <br /> <br />(a) The amendment must be consistent with the relevant Statewide Planning Goals adopted <br />by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. <br /> <br />The applicant states that at the time of adoption of the Downtown ~lan that "Goal findings were made <br />on all applicable Statewide Goals and the Downtown Plan, including the specific policies that called <br />for redesignation of particular parcels..." and that, therefore, "the direction of the Downtown Plan with <br />regard to this parcel is not conditional upon any additional findings of need or land use inventory <br />considerations" (applicant's letter to City of Eugene June 8, 2006). Staff does not concur with the <br />applicant's conclusion that Statewide Goal have already been made supporting the specific <br />proposed Plan amendment. Below are staff findings relative to the proposal's consistency with all <br />Statewide Goals. <br /> <br />Goal 1 Citizen Involvement: To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity <br />for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. <br /> <br />In its land use code, the City has State-acknowledged provisions for citizen involvement that ensure <br />the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process and that set out <br /> <br /> <br />