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Item B: West Broadway Purchase Options
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 11/27/06 Work Session
Item B: West Broadway Purchase Options
Entry Properties
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11/21/2006 2:59:24 PM
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<br /> <br />The option terms and purchase prices associated with each of the purchase options were negotiated <br />independently based on each property owner’s individual circumstances. All of the agreements allow <br />the URA to assign the purchase options to another party. Generally, a majority of the purchase options <br />include an initial six-month option period with the ability to extend for one additional six-month period. <br />To date, the URA has paid option money totaling $34,000 for the right to purchase property with a <br />combined total purchase price of $13,655,000. The URA would be required to pay additional option <br />money totaling $122,000 in order to secure the purchase options for the second six-month period. The <br />combined total purchase price would increase to $13,825,000 after the initial six-month option period. <br />A detailed list of the properties and option terms is included in Attachment A. All of the properties that <br />have received purchase option offers from the URA are included in the aerial map (Attachment B). <br /> <br />The URA’s property assembly effort was initiated by the original proposal from Connor and <br />Woolley/Opus. The current focus is on a comprehensive redevelopment strategy that has the potential to <br />transform West Broadway into the “Great Street” envisioned in the Downtown Plan and Vision for <br />Greater Downtown Eugene. The Downtown Plan envisions Broadway with ground floor retail, <br />restaurants, and sidewalk activities such as outdoor cafés. Currently, the two blocks of West Broadway <br />are characterized by high-vacancy, low-density, and low lease rates. A majority of the properties are <br />one- and two-story structures, many of which are underutilized and not well suited for retail use because <br />of the narrow and deep configurations. <br /> <br />Several issues need to be considered in assessing the future redevelopment of West Broadway, including <br />design, mix of uses, density, market conditions, and timing. <br />The appropriate scale, orientation and <br />The City has been working with Thomas Hacker <br />design of structures need to be carefully considered. <br />Architects to help visualize the redevelopment potential for West Broadway. The City has also been <br />working with The Farkas Group to help develop strategies for redevelopment of this area. <br /> <br />The assemblage of property that is currently being pursued is an important first step. The URA has <br />secured purchase options that have a limited duration; therefore, a limited window of opportunity exists <br />for the URA to proactively pursue redevelopment of West Broadway. There are various strategies to <br />consider regarding the purchase options that have been secured on a majority of the key properties along <br />West Broadway, some include: <br /> <br />1. Issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) <br />. Under this strategy, an RFQ would be issued for <br />selection of a qualified developer(s) with a viable redevelopment concept for West Broadway and the <br />capacity to implement a well designed, urban mixed-use development. RFQ criteria for the West <br />Broadway area have been drafted. The criteria are designed to attract a comprehensive redevelopment <br />approach for the area which advances the policies in the Downtown Plan. A copy of draft RFQ criteria <br />is included in Attachment C. <br /> <br />There are several advantages to the RFQ strategy. The scale and complexity of the potential <br />redevelopment of this area of West Broadway, together with the limited duration of the option periods, <br />favor an RFQ. An RFQ related to the entire West Broadway area footprint provides the best opportunity <br />to attract the largest number of qualified developer responses and a variety of redevelopment approaches <br />and uses that could be considered. <br /> <br />The RFQ strategy provides an opportunity to attract developers who recognize the market potential for <br />the area under a comprehensive redevelopment scenario. It is also possible that more than one <br />developer could be selected to carry out different portions of the overall redevelopment project. <br /> L:\CMO\2006 Council Agendas\M061127\S061127B.doc <br /> <br />
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