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<br />ATTACHMENT C <br /> <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. ____ <br /> <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING TRANSPORTATION <br />SYSTEM MAINTENANCE FEES AND ADDING SECTIONS <br />7.750 THROUGH 7.790 TO THE EUGENE CODE, 1971. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Section 1 <br />. Sections 7.750 through 7.790 of the Eugene Code, 1971, are added to provide as <br />follows: <br />7.750 Transportation System Maintenance Fee - Establishment; Purpose. <br />(1) Except as otherwise provided in sections 7.755 to 7.790 of this code, each <br />person responsible, as defined in section 7.755 of this code, shall pay a Transportation System <br />Maintenance (TSM) Fee to the city, in an amount to be determined by sections 7.765 and 7.770 of <br />this code. <br />(2) The purpose of the Transportation System Maintenance Fee is to provide <br />stable and adequate funding to: <br />(a) Operate, maintain, preserve and improve elements of the citys <br />= <br />transportation system; and <br />(b) Reduce the backlog of needed street repairs as measured by the citys <br />= <br />annual pavement condition survey. <br /> <br />7.755 Definitions. For purposes of sections 7.750 to 7.790 of this code, unless the context <br />requires otherwise, words and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section. In <br />interpreting the meaning of words in a definition, other definitions of that word in this code may be <br />considered. <br />City manager. The city manager of the City of Eugene, or the city managers <br />= <br />designee. <br />Dwelling unit. A facility designed for permanent or semi-permanent <br />occupancy by a single family and provided with minimum kitchen, sleeping and <br />sanitary facilities. <br />Non-residential use. Use of a premises for any use other than a dwelling unit <br />or units. <br />Person. An individual, trust, firm, joint stock company, joint venture, <br />consortium, commercial entity, partnership, association, corporation, commission, <br />state and any agency thereof, political subdivision of the state, interstate body or the <br />federal government, including any agency thereof. <br />Person responsible. The utility account customer if the charges are billed with <br />the utility account billing, otherwise the person having possession or control of a <br />premises. <br />Premises. A parcel or portion of a parcel of land within the limits of the City <br />of Eugene, with structures or other improvements on it, or upon which construction <br /> <br />Ordinance - 1 Attachment C to Nov. 27, 2006, Agenda Item Summary <br />