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Item 3: An Ordinance Concerning Transportation System Maintenance Fees
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 11/27/06 Meeting
Item 3: An Ordinance Concerning Transportation System Maintenance Fees
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11/21/2006 3:22:44 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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the backlog of preservation work on roads and off-street bike paths with the estimated annual funding <br />needs of $8.5 million for roads and $425,000 for off-street bike paths.” The original TSMF ordinance <br />approved by council in December 2002 did not restrict spending to preserve the off-street path system but <br />set a percentage cap on other system expenditures (not to exceed 2 percent of the total fee paid in any year <br />for traffic calming, sidewalk access ramps, street lighting fixtures and street trees). Restricting the use of <br />TSM fees for off-street bike paths could increase the funding available for street preservation projects but <br />would limit the funding available for preservation of the bike path system. Retaining the current <br />language in the ordinance provides the greatest amount of flexibility to address specific system <br />preservation needs on a year-to-year basis. <br /> <br />A percentage cap (as opposed to an absolute dollar amount) would be more responsive, over time, to <br />inflation and other indexed costs. <br /> <br />Potential Motion 1: Move to amend proposed section 7.760(1) to add the following sentence at the end: <br />"No more than 5% of the TSM fee revenue in any year may be spent for operation, maintenance and <br />construction of off-street pedestrian and bike paths." <br /> <br />Referring the TSMF Ordinance to Local Voters <br />The TSMF ordinance as proposed would be adopted by the city council under its authority as a home rule <br />charter form of government. Referring the matter to the voters could help measure the public’s support for <br />the fee as a revenue vehicle for funding the local transportation system. Approval of the referendum <br />would arguably be a public expression of support for the fee and would provide some assurance it would <br />not subsequently be placed on the ballot through the voter initiative process. Conversely, all of the public <br />information and outreach on this topic has suggested the ordinance would be adopted by the council; it <br />might be viewed as untimely, after more than six years of development of the concept, to subsequently <br />refer it to the voters. Additionally, the council has completed an exhaustive study of the issue and found <br />no other viable solution to address the transportation system funding gap. <br /> <br />Potential Motions: <br />2a. Move to amend the proposed ordinance to add a new section to the ordinance, as follows: <br />"Notwithstanding the effective date of ordinances as provided in Section 32 of the Eugene Charter of <br />2002, this ordinance shall take effect only upon the approval of the electors of the City at an election." <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />2b. Move to direct the city manager to place on the consent calendar for the council's December 11, 2006 <br />meeting, a Resolution referring the TSMF ordinance to the voters calling an election for that purpose on <br />the earliest available date. <br /> <br />Revising the Rate Methodology to “Shall” from “May” <br />Section 7.765 (2) (a) of the draft ordinance says that the fee may be based on a number of components, <br />including a variable trip-rate component, a flat base component and a flat administrative component. The <br />draft fee methodology does incorporate these three components. <br /> <br />This section may be amended to require, rather than simply permit, that these three components be part of <br />the rate-setting methodology. Since the draft methodology incorporates all three components, this change <br />will have no effect on implementation of the TSMF as proposed. The amendment would prevent the rate- <br />setting methodology from being changed in the future to eliminate any of the three fee components, but <br />elimination of any component is not anticipated to be necessary in any case. <br /> <br />Attachment A for TSMF AIS/Council Action 112706 - 2 <br />
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