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<br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL <br />AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br /> <br />c <br /> <br />Work Session: Parks and Open Space for River Road/Santa Clara <br /> <br />Meeting Date: November 27,2006 <br />Department: Public Works <br /> <br /> <br />Agenda Item Number: 5 <br />Staff Contact: Carolyn Weiss <br />Contact Telephone Number: 682-4909 <br /> <br />ISSUE STATEMENT <br />The purpose of this work session is to respond to a City Council request for staff to provide an update on <br />park acquisition activities within the River Road and Santa Clara areas as requested by the council. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />Resulting from a series of acquisitions funded by the 1998 Parks and Open Space bond, significant gains <br />have been made in providing neighborhood parks in the Santa Clara area. Since 1999, a total of six (6) <br />neighborhood park sites have been purchased in River Road/Santa Clara. The 1998 bond also included <br />funding for a community park in Santa Clara. $900,000 of this funding is still designated for this <br />purpose and is supplemented by an additional $2,000,000 from the 2006 Parks and Open Space bond. <br /> <br />In pursuit of this community park acquisition, letters of interest have been sent to 24 property owners in <br />the Santa Clara area (see attachment A), and verbal contact has been made with those whose phone <br />contact information was available. Staff has focused efforts on the two properties which are of most <br />interest by presenting purchase offers for each parcel (see Attachment B). These are the largest parcels <br />that are adjacent to Madison Middle School, including an 8.5-acre parcel to the north of the school (site <br />A) and a 16-acre parcel to the east of the school (site B). Offers to purchase each of these properties <br />have been delivered to the respective property owners and are based on recent appraisals. <br /> <br />Staff continues to explore additional acquisition opportunities along the East Santa Clara Waterway. <br />This waterway is a priority stormwater acquisition corridor between Wend over Park to the north and <br />Madison Middle School to the south. Additional park acquisition efforts in Santa Clara to be funded by <br />2006 bond dollars include two additional neighborhood park sites and land along the Willamette River. <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />. The PROS Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the council on February 13, 2006. <br />. The PROS Project and Priority Plan was adopted by the council on May 22,2006. <br />. A Parks and Open Space Bond Measure was passed by Eugene voters on November 7,2006. <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />Not applicable; this item is for information only. <br /> <br />LICMOl2006 Council Agendas1M0611271S0611275.doc <br />