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4¨¬¤«¨­¤²² lj &¤ ²¨¡¨«¨³¸ȁ <br />Preferred concepts will include: <br />Reasonable timeline (a creative approach to enhancing the public experience for 2021 and a <br />willingness to work collaboratively with the Agency and 2021 Steering Committee is <br />strongly encouraged); <br />Demonstrated understanding of market potential for the proposed concept(s); and <br />Reasonable project budget that minimizes need for public assistance. <br />!££¨³¨®­ « 0´¡«¨¢ "¤­¤¥¨³²ȁ <br />Preference will be given to projects that: <br />Present a holistic vision for the parcel that is compatible with existing, recent, and <br />anticipated development nearby; <br />Honor historic and architectural significance of the building, including coordination with <br />the State Historical Preservation Office (when and if needed), and incorporate elements that <br />help tell the story of the building’s history; <br />Include some indoor and/or outdoor public space accessible to the broader community; <br />Positively impact and protect the surrounding environment and riparian areas; <br />Integrate art or opportunities for public creativity; <br />Incorporate uses which further Eugene as a creative and entrepreneurial hub; <br />Include a plan to re-use or salvage materials at all stages of the redevelopment process; <br />Complement riverfront park and downtown riverfront development; <br />Serve as an iconic link between University of Oregon and Downtown; and <br />Demonstrate intention or plan to solicit services from local contractors and/or Minority and <br />Women-owned business enterprises. <br />#®­²¨²³¤­¢¸ ¶¨³§ #¨³¸ 0®«¨¢¨¤²  ­£ '® «²ȁ <br />The Riverfront Urban Renewal Plan, Downtown Plan, and the EWEB Riverfront Master Plan are the <br />primary policy documents that guide public and private redevelopment in the Downtown <br />Riverfront area. Other plans and policy documents also provide guidance including Envision <br />Eugene and the Community Climate and Energy Action Plan. Any proposed development concept <br />must be consistent with the policies and goals for the downtown riverfront as reflected in these <br />documents. <br /> <br />