<br />
<br />
<br />The customers using City services are diverse and have different needs. Staff is continuously evaluating
<br />programs and information resources to help ensure they are useful and more accessible – whether it’s by
<br />phone fax, online or in person. For more information, please contact Building and Permit Services
<br />Manager, Marsha Miller at 682-5224 or marsha.a.miller@ci.eugene,or.us.
<br />
<br />Code Amendment Open House Scheduled
<br />In 2001, the City of Eugene completed a multi-year process resulting in the adoption of a major update of
<br />the City’s land use code. Since its adoption, City staff and community members have had an opportunity
<br />to assess the effectiveness of the updated code. The City is now asking the community to make
<br />suggestions on how the land use code can be further improved. This process will commence with an
<br />open house on Thursday, December 7, 2006, at 4 p.m. in the Bascom-Tykeson Room at the Eugene
<br />Public Library. The open house will provide the first of several forums for the community to share their
<br />ideas for improving the land use code. For more information on the Code Amendment Project, visit the
<br />City’s webpage at www.eugeneplanning.org (click on “Code Amendments” tab), or contact Steve
<br />Nystrom, project manager, at 541-682-8385 or steven.a.nystrom@ci.eugene.or.us.
<br />
<br />Downtown Eugene Gears Up for Holidays
<br />The holiday glow in downtown Eugene will shine even brighter starting this Friday evening, December 1.
<br />That’s when several organizations have planned events to spread holiday cheer in downtown.
<br />
<br />To start off the evening at 5:15 p.m., Downtown Eugene, Inc., (DEI) will host a tree-lighting ceremony on
<br />th
<br />the northeast corner of 8 and Oak in the park blocks. Eugene City Councilor Andrea Ortiz will flip the
<br />switch to illuminate a live tree with holiday lights. DEI has also compiled a list of holiday gift needs from
<br />Looking Glass New Roads homeless youth and will encourage tree-lighting ceremony attendees to
<br />choose a need from the list and return to the DEI office by December 15.
<br />
<br />Following the lighting ceremony, First Friday ARTWalk will begin at DIVA, 110 W. Broadway St., at
<br />5:30 p.m. December 1 is World Aids Day and DIVA will feature art that highlights HIV awareness. Diane
<br />Lang, executive director of HIV Alliance, will lead the tour. Also taking place on December 1 is the third
<br />annual Downtown Holiday Party organized by the Downtown Merchants’ Association. Participating stores
<br />will stay open late, until at least 8 p.m., and many will offer sales, live music, art, trunk shows and
<br />refreshments. Businesses hosting the party include Footwise, Letterhead, Harlequin, Freudian Slip, Nick
<br />& Nora’s, Passionflower, Perugino, Goldworks, Vintage Home, Footloose, Glamour Girl, Poppi’s
<br />Anatolia, The Kiva and the Oregon Wine Warehouse. For more information, contact Russ Brink at
<br />Downtown Eugene Inc., (541) 343-1117.
<br />
<br />Neighborhood to Say Farewell to ‘Lemon Tree’ and Plant New Trees in Park
<br />The West University Neighborhood Association
<br />(WUN) plans to say farewell this Saturday,
<br />December 2, at 2:00 p.m., to the “Lemon Tree,” a
<br />th
<br />big leaf maple at 13 Avenue and Mill Street that
<br />has been scheduled for removal as a hazard tree
<br />by City urban forestry staff. The adjacent
<br />homeowner, Charlotte Lemon, who died recently,
<br />cared for the tree for decades.
<br />
<br />Neighborhood leaders asked that the removal be
<br />delayed until the tree could be discussed at a
<br />monthly WUN meeting. Local arborist Alby
<br />Thoumsin, president of the Eugene Tree
<br />Foundation, and Mark Snyder, City urban forester,
<br />spoke at the October and November meetings,
<br />describing the health, condition and safety
<br />problems posed by the tree, whose trunk and roots are decayed, leaving the tree unstable. The tree will
<br />be removed by City contractors next week and a replacement tree will be planted a few feet away. The
<br />farewell ceremony will include old photos and a discussion of the history of the tree and neighborhood.
<br />
<br />
<br />November 30, 2006
<br />